Giving Yourself Creative Flexibility

Flexibility is extremely useful in many different situations. Sometimes we do have to follow a set of guidelines and that is okay. Rather than feeling limited, we can be flexible even with some restrictions. Today we want to talk about why it's good to give yourself some leniency when it comes to the creative process.

Create at The Right Time

Creativity can be difficult if we try to force ourselves to do it when we're not feeling up to it. This feeling is natural and can happen to anybody. Rather than letting ourselves feel stuck, we need to be aware and create at the right time. For some of us, this can be the early morning when our minds are relatively fresh. For others, it can be at night when our inner critic is quieter and can help us simply create. Regardless of the time, everyone is different and we need to be mindful of our own needs when it comes to creativity.

“Creativity can be difficult if we try to force ourselves to do it when we're not feeling up to it.”

Take Breaks For Inspiration

Breaks are a natural part of the creative process and we need them to help recuperate our thoughts. If we're tired we need the time to rest before we can use our mental energy for our creative endeavors. The same applies when we're hungry since it's harder to focus when we don't have the proper fuel. Sometimes we can even get stuck with a project and have a mental block that we need to overcome. When we feel that we're doing too much, we need to take a step back and see how our mind and body are doing. Inspiration often strikes at the most unexpected of times. Sometimes it can happen during a fishing trip or by going on a meditative walk. Breaks allow us to recharge and see things in a much healthier light.

“Breaks are a natural part of the creative process and we need them to help recuperate our thoughts.”

Recognize That The Process Takes Effort

As fun as the creative process is, it does take time and effort. Being tired after a day of working on a project is natural since there is a lot of thinking and brainstorming involved with it. Giving yourself the space needed to segment the process is one such way to help with this since it makes it much easier than doing it all at once. We can also ask others for help or advice when we feel that we hit a roadblock. Oftentimes our greatest asset is having another set of eyes to see things. Patience can help us immensely with the creative process since it teaches us the value of waiting for things. Some creative projects can take weeks to finish which is why we need to be mindful of how we're feeling. Some days may be easier to accomplish things and we need to use that energy to put out our best work. On other days we'll need to take time off entirely to rethink our projects. Being creative comes with many benefits and having enough flexibility can give you the chance to put out your best work.




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