How to Improvise Better

Being able to adapt on the fly is a great skill that can help us in many situations. In school, it can be used to focus better on pop quizzes along with public speaking. Today we want to talk about how to improvise better.

Have a Positive Attitude

An effective but simple way to be a better improviser is to have a positive attitude. Being in a good state of mind brings with it many benefits such as being able to stay calm under pressure. Oftentimes it can be intimidating to come up with something on the spot which is why we need to slow down our thoughts. Focusing on your breathing and seeing this as something that can help you grow is a much healthier outlook for example. It's easy for us to view doing spontaneous things as unexpected but oftentimes these moments are where we have the most fun. Being aware of your own skillset and being confident in who you are can be an essential part of improvisation. Your abilities can carry you far in life, and recognizing that can keep you in a good frame of mind.

“An effective but simple way to be a better improviser is to have a positive attitude.”

Embrace Change

At the core of improvisation lies change. Change is good because it understands that many elements of our lives are in a state of flow. Similar to a river, water needs to be moving, otherwise it will stagnate. A similar principle applies to our lives since we need to challenge ourselves in order to be our best possible selves. One example of this can be taking an extracurricular that you normally wouldn't do. This can help you get out of your comfort zone and meet other people to learn from. Change gives us the ability to confront our weaknesses and build upon our strengths. One good thing to keep in mind is that at some point, everything we've done was new to us and we embraced that with optimism. Reminding ourselves that we're capable of doing that is a great way to increase the quality of your life.

“At the core of improvisation lies change.”

Use it as a Learning Opportunity

One of the last major elements of improvisation is that it's best used as a learning opportunity. Many of us may find ourselves in situations where we need to figure out the best possible solution to something. This can be a group project for example or even a social situation where a decision needs to be made. Looking at these as a learning opportunity is one such way to use improvisation within your life. Taking these opportunities as they arise is a great way to adapt to all the changes that arise within your life. It can be something as simple learning how to approach people we don't know and striking up a conversation or even getting to know other classmates. Improvisation can help us in a lot of different situations and the ability to adapt to whatever challenges we face can be an invaluable asset.




Staying in The Moment


Staying Calm