How To Be More Disciplined

Being able to cultivate a sense of discipline can help immensely both in school and in life. This is mainly because it helps us sort through our habits so that we can make better choices for ourselves. Today we want to take a look at how we can be more disciplined and why it's worth the effort.

Have Clear Goals

A big barrier when it comes to discipline is the goals we set. Sometimes they're vague and the steps we need to get there can be confusing. A good example of this can be starting a new project since things are nebulous and hard to put into action at first. Taking time to brainstorm and write down all of our ideas when starting something can help us make more sense of them. Likewise, having an outline or a step-by-step list of how to follow through on a plan can make a world of difference. A clear goal is something that's easily measurable in terms of how we can do it. One example of this can be being punctual for plans that you've established. We can do this by setting alarms for when to be ready along with doing some pre-planning to ensure that we're set up for success.

“A clear goal is something that's easily measurable in terms of how we can do it.”

Have Self-Control

A great sign of discipline is being able to have self-control. This can be seen in many different forms and a great example of this can be seen with our diet. Sugar is something that's abundantly found in so many things and our bodies aren't meant to process it in such a large quantity. It's tempting to go for something sweet since it tastes good but it quickly deteriorates our health. Having self-control is necessary since shows us the value of saying no to things. A treat every now and then is good but only when it doesn't become expected. Another example of this is setting up a reward system to motivate you to do something. This can be helpful for building a habit but it needs to be tempered with the right expectations. Self-control helps us focus on the choices we can make so that we can live a life that reflects what we truly want.

“A great sign of discipline is being able to have self-control.”

Stay Committed

It's easy to back down from things that we want to do since quitting is often easier than continuing. Not everything needs to be given the same amount of time and energy but some things are absolutely worth the effort. Long-term goals can only be reached when we stay committed to the process since they simply require more time. The key to discipline is finding a method that works for you and provides its own form of motivation. Whether that be through a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation or simply seeing how each step we take teaches us new skills and things about ourselves. Discipline takes time and we can only do that when we commit to it.




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