Thinking For Ourselves

Being able to think for ourselves is an extremely helpful ability both in and outside of school. It can give us the chance to find things that work for us on an individual level which can translate to positivity. Today we want to talk about the importance of thinking for ourselves.


Knowing Yourself

Knowing who you are can be one of your greatest assets. This kind of introspection requires us to take time to think about what we enjoy and how we choose to define ourselves as a person. While this may sound difficult, we can take active steps toward this by meditating. Meditation allows us to see ourselves in a manner that is gentle and also lets us come to terms with our both our good qualities and ones we may need to improve. Being okay with who we are can take time. Some days we may be feeling good and that energy radiates outward and other days we may need to spend some time by ourselves. Both of these matter and adapting our thoughts can help empower us. Our actions are a reflection of our thoughts and simply knowing who we are can help us find that harmony within.

“Knowing who you are can be one of your greatest assets.”

It Expands The Mind

Taking things at face value can result in us not challenging our minds. There are many areas where we can gain greater insight when we take the time to delve deep into them. A simple question on a history assignment for example can lead to us going further back and seeing how cultures reacted to something. This is important as when we take some things for granted, we can normalize harmful mentalities. While this may not apply to every situation, sometimes a hello is just as simple as that, the idea of being open to other ideas is a good thing. This type of critical thinking can give us an avenue to expand our mind and see different perspectives. This is needed as there are many things beyond our own scope and being open can help enlighten us.

“There are many areas where we can gain greater insight when we take the time to delve deep into them.”

It Teaches Independence

Growing up emphasizes many elements of independence. While areas such as financial independence are extremely important, being independent with your thinking and recognizing this matter just as much. There is an increasing need for people to feel that they have their own sort of freedom when it comes to how they express themselves. Being able to think for yourself is the first step in doing that. Challenging long held personal beliefs and seeing whether they work for you is a good thing as it helps further emphasize our individuality. Our thoughts are malleable and ideally we want them to help us depending on the situation. Sometimes there will be moments where what we are used to may not be applicable depending on the circumstance. We may find ourselves needing to be willing to adapt our mindset. All of this is part of being independent and learning how to think for ourselves can make all the difference.




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