Why Rest is Important as a Student

Being productive and putting your best foot forward is a good thing to do but in order to do that we need to find the right balance between work and rest. As students, we need to implement time to rest to perform well which is why today we want to discuss why this is so important.

It Gives us Time to Heal

Healing is an important part of the resting process and this can be seen in many different ways. Resting after doing physical exercise for example is one such way to do this. Our muscles often exert a lot of energy after an intense workout such as lifting weights or going for a several-mile-long run. This sort of downtime is needed as it allows us to eat nourishing food that replenishes and rebuilds our bodies after these activities. Resting also gives us time to recover after taking several hours of notes in class. Being mindful of how our body feels after things that can possibly strain us is good as it demonstrates that we care about ourselves. Healing is needed as it gives us a moment of reprieve and recovery.

“Healing is an important part of the resting process and this can be seen in many different ways.”

It Gives us a Mental Break

Our mental health matters just as much as our physical well-being and rest is the perfect way to give ourselves the proper attention to that. Daily responsibilities can have the effect of tiring us after a prolonged period of time. Having a day that is free of any obligations is essential in order to recuperate. Boundaries are one of the prime aspects of rest and this includes setting aside time that is specifically for you. Resting can include spending time away from larger social gatherings to focus more on being introspective. This is helpful because while it is good to be social, there are many instances where we will need to feel recharged before feeling comfortable enough to express ourselves freely. Finding the right balance between giving yourself a mental and physical break is good as it can help us feel refreshed.

“Our mental health matters just as much as our physical well-being and rest is the perfect way to give ourselves the proper attention to that.”

It Lets us Value Ourselves

Putting ourselves first and prioritizing self-care matters immensely for our well-being. Finding our own personal value ties into this because it is much easier to see the benefits of rest when we practice self-love. It's easy to think of reasons why we don't need to rest but constantly pushing ourselves is the fast track toward unhappiness. Rethinking how we view rest is one such way to give it a positive connotation. Viewing rest as a break from difficult things instead of being lazy is one healthier perspective. Learning to love downtime can give you a newfound sense of gratitude for all the things you do. It can showcase all the effort you put into your relationships, all the work you put into school, and all the time you put into the hobbies you love. It is only when we can take this time to see things from this perspective is when we can truly learn to value ourselves.




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