What Time of Day do we Perform Our Best?

With 24 hours in the day understanding what time we perform our best is important. Between making time for rest and making time for our responsibilities, knowing when to do things can be tricky. Today we want to talk about this and learn about what works best.

Early Morning

The early mornings offer a unique experience in that they are often quiet and contemplative in nature. The mornings are good for people who prefer waking up early and feeling like you have more of the day. This is helpful for things such as doing exercise as it can help give us energy for the rest of the day. Mornings are nice for meditation as it gives us a quiet space to be ourselves before the world wakes up. They can also be good for students who prefer to get their studying done before class so it's fresher in their minds. The peaceful sounds of birds chirping to welcome you to a new day alongside the morning sun also contributes to this feeling of peacefulness. If you're the kind of person who likes to have this sort of introspective time to accomplish your tasks before the day begins then this may help your performance.

“The early mornings offer a unique experience in that they are often quiet and contemplative in nature.”


The afternoon offers a different sort of approach to things as it is when more things are usually happening. School is a good example of this since it starts early for many students and leads into the afternoon. We usually find ourselves doing things such as homework during this as a means to slowly unwind from classwork. Things such as school clubs are commonly found after school which is good since it frees up time for the evening. Sports and events are also fun to do in the afternoon since there is plenty of sunlight which provides warmth for all of these activities. If you feel that you're the kind of person who likes to be more active, then consider doing your most performance-based activities during the afternoon.

“The afternoon offers a different sort of approach to things as it is when more things are usually happening.”


The last major time of day is nighttime which is often just as quiet as the early mornings. The night is our time to unwind along with taking care of any last-minute tasks before the next day. Finding a healthy routine to relax and decompress is essential as we want to be calm before bed. Sometimes we may find ourselves doing homework at night which is fine as it can give us something to do for our studies. Some students work better at night and understanding this is important. It's good to remember that everything we've mentioned so far is simply one way to do things. For some students, you may feel more inclined to finish all of your major tasks earlier in the day because it works better for you. Ultimately the time you choose to do things is up to you and at some point, during your academic journey you will have more choice for this. Being prepared for that can help you as it's one of the key parts of personal effectiveness.




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