Why Learning to Love The Process Matters

It's good to consider how increasingly goal-oriented things can be at times. While results are important, they shouldn't come at the cost of sacrificing a fun and enjoyable process. Being able to shift our mindset into more process-oriented thinking can help us much more than we may initially expect. Today we want to talk about why it's so important to learn how to love the process of doing things.

How We Get Somewhere Is Important

When we eventually look back on all of our accomplishments we need to ask ourselves if we're happy with how we got there. One of the best examples of this is considering our feelings when we're working on things. Sometimes we may feel like we're forcing ourselves to get things done which isn't the right way to go about it. We may think that simply reaching the endpoint is all that matters which isn't healthy. Breaking these mindsets can take time but the sooner we work on them the better. Slowing down and being mindful of the task at hand takes an active effort but it's ultimately worth it. We need to ask ourselves if we're taking care of our own needs while working towards our goals since it helps us keep self-care at the forefront.

“When we eventually look back on all of our accomplishments we need to ask ourselves if we're happy with how we got there.”

Doing Things The Right Way

Keeping our integrity in mind when working towards our goals is crucial. A great example of this can be how we do community service hours for a class. While it's tempting to want to get things done as fast as possible, we need to keep in mind that our actions affect others. Let's say we're helping out for a charity. The people there depend on us for their well-being in some cases. Treating them with love and kindness can make a difference especially when we consider that people in need are oftentimes the most vulnerable. Our moral compass plays a large role when it comes to how we work on the process and we want it to align with positivity.

“Keeping our integrity in mind when working towards our goals is crucial.”

It Stays With You For Years to Come

Learning to love the process can teach us many things. For one it can help us see the value of being in the moment. This can help us tremendously since it prevents us from worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. It can also help us see that there's more merit to the process than we may initially give credit for. We're ultimately dedicating more time to reaching our goals rather than finishing them which is all the more reason why we need to love what we're doing in the moment. This helps us see that there's more to life than simply checking off accomplishments and it's more of us seeing how we can best apply ourselves while still having fun. A healthy mentality is key to both success and happiness and it starts with us realizing that the process matters.




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