Making Time For Your Relationships

One of the most satisfying things we can do in life is develop our relationships. They're necessary since at the end of the day we're social at heart and it's vital to our well-being to nurture this aspect of our lives. Being able to break past some of the mental hurdles that go along with this is one way to help since a lot of them are self-imposed. Today we want to take a look at how and why we need to make time for our relationships.

Getting Past The Busyness Trap

Something we might have heard in the past when trying to plan something with people is that they're too busy with things. Realistically, if somebody wants to spend time with you then they'll proactively make it happen by either rescheduling or shifting some responsibilities to do so. The reality is that everybody is busy in some shape or form which isn't always a valid reason to not spend time together. Even when we think of our own schedule, there are still plenty of moments where we have free time and it's a matter of managing our time more efficiently so that we aren't consistently busy. It's the moments in life where we have space to simply be where the greatest moments are. Whether it's simply talking to someone we care about or even just having time to be at peace with our thoughts, getting past busyness is crucial to having a satisfying life.

“It's the moments in life where we have space to simply be where the greatest moments are.”

Optimize Your Day

Time management plays a large role in our relationships since most of the time we can be using it better. A good example of this is by setting limits on how much time we dedicate to one thing. It can be only taking 20 minutes out of the day for social media for example and then using the rest for things that contribute to our goals or responsibilities. Sectioning off our time so that we're guaranteed to have free time later by either putting more time in early or shifting things around is another way to help with this. The idea is that we want to streamline things so that we're able to create free time as a result so that we can immerse ourselves in our relationships when we aren't busy.

“Sectioning off our time so that we're guaranteed to have free time later by either putting more time in early or shifting things around is another way to help with this.”

Plan And Also Embrace Spontaneity

Every relationship is unique and we need to remember to treat them as such. Flexibility is a major component of this since we have to understand that not everybody approaches things the same way we do. A good example of this is understanding whether the people in your life respond better to planning versus spontaneous activities. There is a time and place for both and they provide structure and flexibility respectively. Life can bring about many changes and it’s good to appreciate the present since it demonstrates gratitude and this includes all the people in our life that we value. Sometimes all it takes is spending a bit of time with someone to make you see things in a better light.




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