Emotions And Decision-Making

Making decisions can be influenced by a wide variety of factors. One of these is our emotions. Understanding how we feel can make a world of difference since our thoughts affect our actions. Today we want to talk about how our emotions play a role in decision-making and some ways we can improve at this.

Be Mindful of Your Environment

Our environment has a big impact on our thoughts and emotions. Given enough time, our environment can get the better of us unless we find ways to take care of ourselves. One example of this is stress. Stress is one of the biggest reasons why we find ourselves in situations where we may make rushed choices. Rushing a decision isn't constructive since it comes from a place of disempowerment. Sometimes it's hard to shake off these feelings but awareness is one way we can make it easier on ourselves. Asking others for help is one way we can make things easier. Ideally, we want our environment to work with us, and learning how to do this is worth the time and effort. Taking the time to reflect on the environment we're in can give us the mental courage needed to slow down and appreciate the good things we have going on in our lives.

“Our environment has a big impact on our thoughts and emotions.”

Practice Understanding

Being patient and understanding with your emotions can help immensely in decision-making. Sometimes we may have high expectations of ourselves. While it's good to look at ourselves in a positive light, we need to be aware of how realistic the goals we're putting on ourselves are. Being aware of our skillset, and where we are in our lives is good because it reminds us that our value comes from more than just our accomplishments. Our feelings are valid because they represent a combination of how we view the world and how we interpret things. Being understanding allows us to be gentle with ourselves along with practicing kindness. When we take the time to sit down and genuinely care about how we're doing, we make the space for understanding which in turn, can help us with decision-making.

“Being patient and understanding with your emotions can help immensely in decision-making.”

Appreciate Your Individuality

Everyone is unique and that should be celebrated. Learning how to appreciate your individuality can help pave the way to other good qualities such as empathy. Being able to have a positive self-image can make us feel more confident about who we are and the life we lead. When we love ourselves, we find it much easier to find our flow and decision-making comes to us effortlessly. Treating yourself as if you are your best friend is one such approach. This helps us practice the same sort of kindness and empathy that we'd give to others except to ourselves. When we're in a good place mentally, we can help others in the process and bolster our relationships. Our emotions can help empower us and listening to ourselves can make a world of difference.




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