Gamifying Your Learning Experience

Finding ways to make your learning experience more fun is worth the effort since it can provide more incentive to do so. One way to do this is by gamifying the process since it can give us a new way of looking at things. Today we want to see how to do this and why it's worth trying to make learning more enjoyable.

Treat Each Assignment As Experience

Every assignment we do helps us get better at something. This is known as experience and it's commonly seen in role-playing games as a means of improving your character’s stats. One way to gamify learning is by rewarding ourselves after getting enough good grades on them as a reward system. For example, when we get 5 A's on homework we can buy ourselves a treat. This sort of reward system can help because it trains us to put in extra effort to get the things we want while also improving our skills in the process. Another reason to view it in this manner is that it helps us see what we need to work on to proactively try to better ourselves.

“Every assignment we do helps us get better at something.”

Challenge Yourself

Another way to gamify things is by challenging yourself and taking on harder assignments. Extra credit is a great example of this since it provides us with a proper incentive to complete it. Sometimes we need a buffer for our grades since a test might be more difficult than we expect and it's worth going the extra mile to do so. Extra credit challenges us to do something optional so that we are rewarded for our efforts. Similar to a side quest in games, it gives us a reason to venture outside of what's necessary to make our lives easier in other ways. The same can be applied to after-school activities such as clubs. The immediate benefit is that they're a fun way of spending time with our peers. The long-term benefit is that they provide the social skills needed to succeed while also making us more well-rounded as a person.

“Another way to gamify things is by challenging yourself and taking on harder assignments.”

Give Yourself Choices

Feeling like you're in control of your life is important. We want to feel empowered with the decisions we make and the path we follow. One great thing that gamifying the learning experience can give us is the ability to have choices. We can choose what sort of environment to study in along with creating our study group. Little things like this give us the right amount of autonomy within our lives and make us feel like we're creating our own story. Recognizing which choices are helping us with our goals and which ones we need to be more mindful of in the future are just a few of the ways this mindset shift can help. Gamifying learning gives us new ways to see things in a manner that makes it more fun overall.




Doing Things The Right Way


Mindful Studying