Unique Study Spaces

The environment we study in can give us the motivation needed to get our best work done. Some of the most common places for this are our room and the library but there are many more options out there that can work just as well. Today we want to take a look at some unique study spaces and why they're worth considering.

A Bookstore Or Cafe

One of the tried and true productivity spots for most college-bound students, a cafe or bookstore serves as an excellent and unique study space. A big appeal of these is having an environment where we can people-watch while doing our assignments. In addition to this, there's also the benefit of being able to buy food and drinks while we work which can be both convenient and good for us in the process. The atmosphere of a cafe is very comfy and can function as a great means of meeting and working with other students as well. It gives us a proper reason to try studying outside of our home since it gives us a more social environment to study, which can contribute to a greater sense of connection.

“One of the tried and true productivity spots for most college-bound students, a cafe or bookstore serves as an excellent and unique study space.”

A Park

Immersing ourselves in nature can be incredibly healing and a fantastic way to disconnect from some of the more technologically driven study environments. Being surrounded by trees and flowers is a reminder of the simpler things in life and can ground us and promote healthier thoughts. Many students can benefit from finding a nice table in a safe park where they can study in peace. The benefit of this study space is that it provides a great means of promoting solitude and having an introspective place to get things done. There are a lot of opportunities for recreational activities during break time as well such as having plenty of photography spots for example. Breaks are important and serve as a time for us to refresh ourselves so that we can come back to our assignments feeling more confident.

“Immersing ourselves in nature can be incredibly healing and a fantastic way to disconnect from some of the more technologically driven study environments.”

An Art Studio Or Museum

Sometimes all it takes is being surrounded by creative works to truly get ourselves in a productive mood. An art studio or museum works wonderfully for this since they're the culmination of so many different artists contributing to culture. A good amount of these places provide some form of place where we can sit down to appreciate the artwork and we can also do some studying there too. Similar to the library, these places are typically quiet and introspective. The benefit to this is that they're an accessible means of working on assignments while also giving us a lot of things around us to appreciate. Every art piece has some form of story behind it and helps us see things from a different lens. Trying alternative study spaces can help us immensely if we feel that we need a change of pace since it provides new perspectives.




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