Cognitive Consonance And Happiness

When we think of happiness what often comes to mind is a sense of balance and harmony. This is apparent when our thoughts are in line with our actions. One concept that ties into this is cognitive consonance. Today we want to discuss this.

What is Cognitive Consonance?

Cognitive consonance is a psychological term where two mental actions or processes are consistent with each other. In simple terms, it is the relationship in which two elements work in harmony with one another. While this can be somewhat broad we can break this down. A good example of cognitive consonance is when our thoughts and actions are synonymous with what we say or do. Saying that you love homework while having a smile on your face is one way that these elements work together. Having a passion in volunteering while also being amicable toward the people you are helping is another way cognitive consonance comes into play. Understanding the opposite side of this, cognitive dissonance is also important. In this case, two elements don't match up with what we are either doing or thinking. For example, saying you enjoy running when in reality you are frustrated with the activity and outwardly not having fun is one way that cognitive dissonance can happen.

“In simple terms, it is the relationship in which two elements work in harmony with one another.”

Recognizing Behaviors

Understanding both of these concepts is crucial as it can help us recognize behaviors within ourselves and others. One way to practically use cognitive dissonance can be during a disagreement with someone else. Being able to see your own discrepancies is good as it can help you be more concise with what you are trying to convey. Likewise, being able to see where the other side stands on a topic can be helpful when seeing whether their thoughts align with their actions. We don't want to point these out of course but it can let us be mindful of what we are working with. We can also use cognitive consonance to help both sides reach a healthy middle ground by letting them know we are on the same team. This type of behavior recognition is good to apply in our own lives as we can see if some activities are empowering us and how to make the most out of them. Simply being able to see whether something is or isn't working is a powerful tool.

“Understanding both of these concepts is crucial as it can help us recognize behaviors within ourselves and others.”

How Your Happiness Relates to This

Finding the right balance between our thoughts and actions can be tricky. On the one hand it is entirely possible that we may feel one way yet act another. It is okay for this to happen as it is part of the learning process. Understanding ourselves can take a long time which is all the more reason why we need to be patient. Cognitive consonance can help our happiness by aligning our thoughts in a more harmonious manner. This happens in a multitude of ways. For one when we feel at ease and at rest, we can think easier and without judgment. Oftentimes our desire to fit in can cause us to feel differently yet act in an expected way. Making space to be yourself is needed as we want to be genuine. While cognitive consonance is a constant thing we need to strive towards, it is something that can be done gradually instead of immediately. Having this balance can help ease our anxiety, lower stress, and get us closer to being our best possible self. Remember to take things one step at a time and recognize that the journey we are on is meant to be taken one step at a time.




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