The Role Of Support Systems

Many of us have many people in our lives that care about us and it's good to nurture these relationships. Support systems can be found in many different places such as our family, our friends, to even programs available at school to help with this. Today we want to dive into this concept and see what the role of each of these support systems is and why they're so valuable.


One of the first support systems we're introduced to is our family. They're responsible for providing shelter, food, and comfort, and act as our role models during our formative years. Having a good line of communication with our family should be one of our biggest priorities in terms of our relationships. We want to feel as if we can be ourselves around them while also working together. We depend on our family for a good portion of our lives which is one of many reasons why we need to be mindful of how we interact with them. Sometimes there are situations where we ultimately need to do what's best for us. Other times though we need to listen to them since they have more experience than us which is its own form of wisdom. It's good to give back when we can whether it's through household chores or simply helping when our parents need it.

“Having a good line of communication with our family should be one of our biggest priorities in terms of our relationships.”


All of us need friends and a sense of community. We're social by nature and we need others to thrive. One of the great things about school is that it exposes us to our peers across many different backgrounds which gives us a better understanding of different cultures and upbringings. Sometimes we choose the friends we have whereas other times it happens as a result of being around them long enough. There's no wrong method here and it's best to get to know people over time and see what common interests you have and take it from there. One of the roles of this support system is that it gives us a means of spending time with others in a fun way while also giving us people we can count on. It's valid to have a few friends you're close with along with being friendly with a lot of different people. The key thing is being willing to get to know others.

“All of us need friends and a sense of community.”

School Programs

School programs are often optional but incredibly rewarding when you find the one that fits you. A great thing that every student should consider is known as peer counseling. The idea is that there's a moderator who has several students together to talk about various things they're experiencing. It could be talking about how to be more confident, how to handle stress, or even just talking about what everyone does for fun after class. Feeling like you're able to connect with others and having a space to express yourself can be one of the most liberating things and many school programs offer that.




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