Balancing a Routine With Flexibility

One of the hardest things can be managing our time. There's often a lot of things we might need or want to do but we might feel as if there isn't enough time in the day. Things such as having a schedule or routine can help with this since they help segment different parts of the day in a manner that makes it more efficient for us. With that said, we still need to find ways to have flexibility since we can't always be rigid with our time.

Routines Help Provide Consistency

One of the main benefits of a routine is that it helps provide us with a sense of consistency within our lives. This plays a big role when it comes to leisure time and helping us relax. As people, we each have our own limit on how much we can realistically get done within a day. When we're stressed or sick it can throw a curve in even some of our best plans. The idea behind a good routine is that it can help you schedule your time in a manner that is efficient and provides a backup for when you need to step away from things. We can find routines with how we study or how we save our resources for example. Establishing a routine for setting aside money can make getting through higher education a lot easier.

“One of the main benefits of a routine is that it helps provide us with a sense of consistency within our lives.”

Flexibility Allows For A Dynamic Approach

Flexibility though is a very different approach. In some cases, it requires us not to commit to too many things at once since it can leave us with very little time in between. While we don't want to fall under the fear of missing out, we do need some wiggle room for flexibility since spontaneity is good for us. The true benefit of this is that it allows us to say yes to things we may want to do because it ensures that we aren't tied up with something else. Flexibility is a true sign that we have a dynamic mindset since it allows us to open ourselves up to so many possibilities. Being able to go with the flow is helpful not just for the things we do, but how we think as well.

“The true benefit of this is that it allows us to say yes to things we may want to do because it ensures that we aren't tied up with something else.”

We Need Both to Make The Most

Even the best routine requires a healthy amount of flexibility if we want to make the most of our time. When we're too caught up in our routine we might find ourselves missing out on certain aspects of our lives that can provide enrichment to us. Likewise, if we're flexible to the point where we don't have any consistency, it can be extremely difficult to commit to long-term efforts that can bring us stability. Similar to logic and our emotions, we need to listen to both sides in order to have a better approach. A routine with enough flexibility to do what you want can provide empowerment and a sense of agency in your life.




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