Why we Need to Treat Ourselves

Rewards can be a complicated thing. If we give ourselves too many things all the time then eventually the joy of getting something feels diminished. Not giving ourselves enough can make us feel lacking and make us sad. Thankfully there is a good middle ground to be had with this. Treating ourselves though can make a world of difference for our well-being. Here are a few reasons why that is and some healthy ways to do that.

Time Off

Many of us put in a lot of time and effort in both work and school. This can eventually take its toll on our well-being by making us either physically or emotionally tired. Making sure that we have proper time off and treating ourselves during this is crucial if we want to be happy. One of the most common issues many of us face when we get some time to ourselves is that we might feel that we have to be productive. Something important to remember is that rest is productive. Rest allows us time to heal and recover from all the strenuous activities we do. Exercise is a great example of this since we can't build muscles without giving them enough time to repair themselves. The same is said for sleep since we can't focus properly if we're trying to cram too much at the last minute. Time off means we need to use it for what it actually is, a break!

“Making sure that we have proper time off and treating ourselves during this is crucial if we want to be happy.”

Proper Rewards

A system of rewards can often be necessary for things we aren't 100% invested in. While yes, there are things we have to do we can still find ways to follow through with them. A proper reward gives us plenty of motivation to finish something with the promise that there's something waiting for us after it's over. An example of this is getting something you really want such as a new game after getting an A on a test. We need to have proper incentives to do well at something along with a reward that we're excited about to help us do it. We can opt to make it a regular thing to reward ourselves if we keep up good behavior since this can allow us to build better habits.

“A proper reward gives us plenty of motivation to finish something with the promise that there's something waiting for us after it's over.”

Recognizing Your Efforts

Self-recognition can be its own sort of means of treating ourselves since it's something that we inherently value more. Being proud of our accomplishments is a good thing since it lets us reflect on all of the things we've done. Doing something as a result of all your hard work to celebrate is a great reminder of all the value you have. It can be going out for dinner or simply spending time with friends after a long week of school. Treating ourselves can be something that helps us build awareness of our actions. Ideally, we want to use it as a means of promoting better habits while also giving ourselves the happiness that we deserve.




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