How to Improve Your Creative Thinking

Getting better at the things we do is worth the effort since the results are tangible. One area where we can put this effort into is creative thinking. Oftentimes the best solution for a decision involves us thinking outside of the box. Today we want to go over a few ways we can improve our creative thinking and why this is important.

Thinking Outside of The Box

One way that we can improve our creative thinking skills is by using a technique known as divergent thinking. This is effectively a way to see things from a different perspective than the one we're used to. This is good because it can train us to not always take the most accepted method for granted. One way to incorporate this is by being experimental with creative works. If we find ourselves writing a story we can opt to try telling it from an unexpected character’s point of view or by using an unreliable narrator. This can add a sense of wonder and mystery while giving you enough creative liberties to tell the tale you want to do. The same can be said for photography. Using some unique post-processing effects can give you the look you're going for. Each art form has unique ways we can add our own spin to things and seeing how we can put our personality into our work is very rewarding.

“One way that we can improve our creative thinking skills is by using a technique known as divergent thinking.”

Seeing Where Things Converge

While aiming to make things different is good, we do need to use a concept known as convergent thinking. This approach values logic and uses a firm foundation usually set by others. A good example of this is using rational thought when approached with a problem we need to solve. We can opt to use research to try and work on things and use the information learned from them to complement our thinking habits. Seeing where things converge is helpful because it allows us to use a blend of both types of thinking. Creative works have a sense of cohesiveness to them that lets us make sense of the story or art piece that we're looking at. This is helpful because we as people like to understand the world around us.

“While aiming to make things different is good, we do need to use a concept known as convergent thinking.”

Finding Your Own Solution

With all of this in mind, if we truly want to improve our creative thinking skills, we need to be able to find our own solutions. Some ways we can do this are by taking the time to meditate on our thoughts. This can give us a quiet place to relax and it lets the best answers come to us when we least expect them. Taking breaks can help with this as well since creativity can be found in many places. Knowing what you value can also show us that even in different hobbies, we can still find ways to learn. Sports can help us find creative solutions for working together with others while the arts can help us learn more about ourselves. Creativity, like our perspective, is something that is unique to everyone.




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