Going With The Flow

While having a schedule and planning things out can be an incredibly effective way to get through the day, it isn’t the only way. One alternative to this is by going with the flow instead. The flow state is represented by us feeling more relaxed and in harmony with our actions and thoughts. There are a lot of benefits to this approach and today we want to delve into that.

Adapting to Things

It’s good to reflect on how we feel about having things be the same for us. Routine is nice since it brings us much-needed structure. This same type of structure can be comfortable which can be good. Recognizing when a routine is actually good for us is necessary since some habits are worth breaking. Life is ever-changing and we need to be willing to adapt to the different changes we encounter. Our after-school schedule is one such example of this since it can vary depending on the day. One day we might wind up doing an extracurricular activity while another we might opt to spend time with a friend. Having a more free schedule allows us to adapt and do things we might not otherwise have time for.

“It’s good to reflect on how we feel about having things be the same for us.”

Choosing to see Positivity

Change at times can often be seen as something negative. It can be a shift in how we go through school such as entering higher education. While some of our thoughts are justified we can’t let negativity rule over us. Going with the flow allows us to shift our mindset. The key thing here is that it lets us choose to see the positive aspects of what’s in front of us. A phone call from family can be a chance to catch up and see how they’re doing. A conversation with someone new can lead to a long-lasting friendship. An event we might not be initially thrilled about can become something that we look back on with positive memories. Positivity can be found anywhere but it starts with us having a willingness and desire to simply appreciate what we’re experiencing.

“The key thing here is that it lets us choose to see the positive aspects of what’s in front of us.”

A Healthier Way of Life

Going with the flow and all the elements that go alongside it can lead to healthier lifestyle. Excessive planning can make it difficult to be still with our thoughts. Meditation is a powerful means of going with the flow since it is an exercise in slowing down our minds. Quiet places work very well since they can help us decompress and relax. Going with the flow can be seen in many different forms. Creative outlets allow us to create art out of our thoughts and let us experience this state of flow. The same applies when we’re getting into a rhythm for an exercise routine. The present moment is one of the greatest gifts we have. It teaches us that some things in life aren’t permanent and we need to be grateful for things while we have them.




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