Reflective Learning

Experiences help shape us into the person we become. Our mentality also plays a large role in this as well since it can steer us toward positive action depending on how we look at things. One method of learning that is extremely effective is known as reflective learning. This focuses on helping us develop critical thinking skills by examining our thoughts, actions, and their relations to past events. Today we want to talk about some ways we can apply this and why it's so helpful.

Reflecting On School

School gives us by far one of the best environments for us to reflect on our experiences. One of the most common examples is the exams we take. We can use our exam scores as a means of understanding which areas we need to work on more compared to others. It serves as a tangible method of improvement so that we can do better on the next test or possibly spend time studying certain topics. School also allows us the chance to see which classes and learning styles we truly click with. Reflecting can let us see whether we're more of a kinesthetic or visual learner for example. This is important since it can help us take time outside of the classroom to learn more about subjects in a manner that's best suited for us.

“School gives us by far one of the best environments for us to reflect on our experiences.”

Engaging With Community

Spending time with peers is another great way to integrate reflective learning. Oftentimes there's a lot we can learn from others since we're able to get someone else's point of view. This is important since chances are, someone may have already been through something we might be struggling with and they can provide a more accurate insight on things. Both our friends, family, and teachers can all share their perspectives and allow us to reach a place that we're happier with through their wisdom. We need community to help us learn from one another, and it's specifically because of these shared experiences. Other people can teach us about accepting one another along with supporting each other to be their best possible selves which is all the more reason to engage with your community.

“Spending time with peers is another great way to integrate reflective learning.”

Reflect And Change

The great thing about reflective learning is that it can be a very powerful motivator to enact change within your life. Some things we might not even be aware of that require change such as some habits we've picked up or a social circle that disempowers us. Taking a bit of time every now and then to meditate on the state of your life is one way to use reflective learning. The reason why this works so well is because it allows us to be alone with our thoughts free of any outside judgment. This can then let us dive deeper into why we feel the way we do and work out the things we want to see go differently for us. It takes a lot of courage to want to change and the first step is reflecting and being aware of our feelings.




Convergent Thinking


Practicing Forgiveness