How Teachers Can Make an Inclusive Classroom Environment

Given how much time we spend in school, it's only natural that we want to have the best experience possible. Teachers have a large influence on how they set the tone in the classroom. One way to help enhance this experience is to focus on inclusivity. Today we want to discuss how teachers can do just that.

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Treat New Students With Familiarity

One great way to foster inclusivity is by treating new students with a sense of familiarity. Being accepted is something that we all desire regardless of where we are in our lives. Whether it be through friendship or by feeling like you belong with others in a social circle, acceptance is key. It can be difficult to be new in any social situation as there are many elements to keep in mind such as the culture and overall feeling of a group. Students may find it tough to approach new people but that can be made easier by cultivating an environment where it feels like everyone knows each other. Some good ways to do this are through simple greetings and asking how a students day is going both before and after class. People want to feel as though they are close with their peers and the teacher, and setting the stage by showing familiarity is a great first step.

“One great way to foster inclusivity is by treating new students with a sense of familiarity.”


Practice Acceptance in The Class

With many different students and different ways of teaching, practicing acceptance is a good thing to do to promote inclusivity. Everyone wants to feel a sense of belonging and the classroom is one area to help with this. Accepting students for who they are can be done in several ways. Practicing patience can be helpful as it demonstrates that you are willing to take the time to learn about each student. It shows that you care and are willing to listen to the class. Not only will this help foster empathy, but it lets students know that their teacher is there to be part of their support network. If a student is struggling with a particular area or not behaving in the appropriate manner, set aside time after class to talk to them to help with this. Giving them an avenue to explain themselves is good as it helps both sides understand each other.

“Everyone wants to feel a sense of belonging and the classroom is one area to help with this.”


Add Activities That Engage Everyone

While it may be challenging to incorporate new class activities given how schedules can be tight, it is ultimately something that is worth doing. The main reason for this is that it can promote engagement with everyone in the classroom. This in turn leads to a sense of inclusiveness that can be felt. Some ways to do this would be having brief questions where every student has their turn to answer. For younger students, this can be a show-and-tell section of class or even simply talking about what they do for fun. For older students teachers can add a portion of the class where they give time to talk about career or life goals. These simple things can do wonders for both personal expression, and making a good classroom environment.




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