Lifting People Up

People skills are by far one of the most important things to learn. They give us the ability to properly express ourselves in a manner that is more sincere. One great means of expressing ourselves is by tuning in to our ability to lift others up. Today we want to go in-depth as to why this is so important and how to work towards it.

Being Fully Present

In order to truly lift someone else, we need to learn the value of being fully present. This is good for a multitude of reasons. For one, it demonstrates that we truly care about someone. In our busy world, it can be very tempting to give our attention to multiple sources but this often comes with a compromise. When it comes to people, we can best appreciate them when we're fully immersed in what we're saying or doing. In conversation, being fully present involves using skills such as active listening and empathy. Both of these allow us to see a different perspective. This is effective since understanding someone is the key to knowing how to lift them up. For example, someone creative may enjoy discussing the more intricate details of artwork versus someone who values the more pragmatic nature of art. Knowing this can take you one step closer to making a tangible difference and empowering people.

“In order to truly lift someone else, we need to learn the value of being fully present.”

Sharing With Others

Sharing things such as your time and resources is an extremely helpful way to lift others up. Being aware of what we have in comparison to others can help us promote a sense of gratitude. This is largely in part because we don't always recognize all of the good things we have going for us. In many cases, we are in a great position to share our wealth with people and this can make them happy. One example of this is giving your time to charity. Helping people in need is a generous act and worth doing since it effectively makes the world a much better place to live. Lifting people up through sharing needs to come from a place of sincerity and giving to others is a great way to do that.

“Sharing things such as your time and resources is an extremely helpful way to lift others up.”

Embracing Positivity

The last way to strive towards lifting people up is by embracing an attitude of positivity. A positive attitude is represented by a variety of different factors. One of these is allowing people to be themselves. This concept is important because everyone wants to feel validated with who they are and something as simple as being non-judgmental can go a long way. Accepting others and looking at them for who they are without the need to change them is the key to lifting others up. Everyone deserves kindness and small acts such as holding the door open for someone or saying that you appreciate them can go a long way towards making a difference in their lives. Positivity opens the doors to new opportunities, relationships, and experiences which is why it's so important to channel this in a manner to improve our lives.




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