Being Proud Of Who You Are

Having a sense of identity and knowing who you are can be one of the most empowering things. It takes a lot of learning along with acceptance as well but it's worth doing since it helps you establish a healthier relationship with yourself. Today we want to talk about why it's important to be proud of who you are and some ways to do so.

Reflect On Past Experiences

Something that a lot of us don't give ourselves credit for is that we're often doing the best we can when put in a situation. This is important to remember since hindsight can often be 20/20. We want to reflect in a manner that is understanding with both who we were at the time and the situation we were in. Chances are that whatever the result of what happened could have been because of either stress or a time constraint. Being able to change the sort of self-dialogue we have along with our thoughts is a great way to focus on what we did right. This approach can make it so that we're more forgiving with our decisions and allows us to empower ourselves while still seeing what we can learn from the situation. The more experiences we have the easier it becomes to make the right choices along with being more kind with ourselves.

“Something that a lot of us don't give ourselves credit for is that we're often doing the best we can when put in a situation.”

Recognize Your Achievements

There are many goals that we may have in life but how often do we celebrate the ones we achieve? Being able to recognize your achievements and wear them as a badge of honor is a great way of being proud of yourself. These are innately personal to the various things you want to do within your life and remembering all that you've done so far can be a big mood booster. One way to do this is by looking at all the tests you've performed well on. Through a combination of studying and effort, you were able to succeed. It's no easy feat to achieve the things you want to do and it's good to have a sense of pride since it can motivate you to do more.

“Being able to recognize your achievements and wear them as a badge of honor is a great way of being proud of yourself.”

Accepting Vulnerability

While it is important to be proud of who you are, one component of this is being able to accept vulnerability as well. One common critique of excessive pride is that it can tend to put up a wall between ourselves and the world. This isn't what we want but rather we want to feel comfortable with who we are. Yes, this does require us to make changes and improve some habits we have, and that's okay. We aren't perfect nor should we expect ourselves to be. Each of us has things we need to work on and that's part of what makes us human. Being okay with being vulnerable allows us to communicate better since we can drop the walls we create around ourselves and build bridges with others.




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