Making Time For Your Happiness

Too often do we find ourselves putting aside our happiness for other things in our lives. Sometimes we do have to focus on things such as our responsibilities or life goals that we want to accomplish. While this is needed, we do need to be mindful of how we feel. Today we want to cover the value of making time for your happiness.

Using a Schedule to Keep Track of Things

An essential element of making sure that you have time for yourself is to use a schedule to keep track of what to do. This is good as it shows us which areas we spend the most amount of time in. If we find ourselves putting in too many hours into something that is voluntary that we may not enjoy, we can use our schedule to help condense this. A good example of this is cutting down social media time as it can quickly add up. Making dedicated time for leisure in your day is good as it can give you a healthy amount of structure while still having the freedom of choice for fun. A schedule is meant to empower us rather than restrict us and being mindful of where we spend our time can help our happiness.

“Making dedicated time for leisure in your day is good as it can give you a healthy amount of structure while still having the freedom of choice for fun.”

Doing Things That Align With Your Values

The things we do have an influence over our happiness and this holds true in many ways. When we do activities that align with our values we can help increase our happiness. A good example of this can involve valuing the Earth by consciously choosing more environmentally friendly options. Not only can this coincide with our moral code, but it is something that helps ourselves and others. Making time for volunteering for community events is a great way to spend time as not only can it help for community service, but giving back is a great feeling. Understanding that our time is a give and take can help you make the most out of any activity as it can help you learn about yourself.

“The things we do have an influence over our happiness and this holds true in many ways.”

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Relaxation is Needed

There is a time for work and there is a time for play. Clearly defining which times of the day are for each is important. Relaxation is shown to have many benefits such as lowering both blood pressure and stress, along with giving yourself space to learn. Knowing ourselves and how we react to situations is important which is all the more reason why we need to take a step back for our health. Being there for friends and family along with having time to pursue your passions and interests is good. Rethinking our time is also helpful. While some hours of the day are spent doing mandatory things we have much more downtime than we may think. It doesn't always have to be productive as it is when our minds have time to disconnect is when we are at our most creative. Choosing happiness by being mindful of our time can enrich our lives for the better.




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