Why Attention Matters

Attention matters a lot more than we give it credit for. This is similar to our time as it is effectively a resource that we have and a limited one at that. Within our educational journey, there will be many different things competing for our attention such as our electronics, our peers, along with our engagement with the classroom. Today we want to dive into why attention matters.

Attention in The Classroom

The classroom is a key area where we need to be mindful of how we spend our time and attention. There are many instances where focusing on the material in the classroom is good as it can help save us time later. A good example of this is following the lesson along with taking notes since it lets you keep track of things at a steady pace. This also comes into play for topics that are of particular interest. There are many things that we need to fully immerse ourselves in to get the most knowledge out of something such as complicated topics. Teachers can help with this by integrating new means of learning as we have been moving toward more instant gratification with things such as social media. This is good to keep in mind as the techniques from this such as faster feedback can help us be more responsive and receptive toward the things around us.

“The classroom is a key area where we need to be mindful of how we spend our time and attention.”

Attention in Our Personal Lives

When we aren't in the classroom we need to consider where our attention is being spent as there are many more things that affect this. Our mood along with our overall health play a key role in our attention span. When we are sick or tired it can be hard to focus on things outside of ourselves which is why we prioritize our own needs comes first. Putting your attention on how you feel through the use of meditation along with journaling and reflection is good. These build awareness that can be applied in any area of your life. Once we feel better about our well-being, we need to consider what things are competing for our attention and why. Marketing campaigns typically do this through the use of advertisements. While this isn't inherently bad, it can be harmful depending on whether or not it drains too much of your mental energy. There are times where we need to exercise choice and focus our attention on something that empowers us.

“When we aren't in the classroom we need to consider where our attention is being spent as there are many more things that affect this.”

One of The Most Valuable Resources

Time and attention are some of our most valuable resources given that they are finite in nature. It is impossible for us to be everywhere at once and this is best highlighted with our ability to focus on one thing at a time. Yes, multitasking is viable at times but there is often a compromise when it comes to this. We need to give the proper credence to the things that matter as some tasks only give us one chance to do them properly. Attention gives us the means to dedicate the time we have to the things that matter the most, and properly using it is a skill that can last a lifetime.




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