Implementing Stoicism Into Your Life

Stoicism is an area of philosophy that can be extremely helpful in our modern world. It can teach us many different virtues while also being pragmatic in the process. Today we want to cover some ways we can implement stoicism into our lives and how it can help us.


A helpful skill that goes along with stoicism is being able to practice nonreactivity. One thing to bear in mind with this is that this still means we're expected to feel our emotions since they are completely valid. The difference, in this case, is how we temper them in regard to the situations we experience. Frustration is a common feeling that can often affect how we go through our tasks. This is often justified by the things we experience but it's important to remember that at some point, dwelling on it doesn't do much for us. We can opt to implement nonreactivity and use it in a manner that lets us brush off frustrating events for example. When we realize that there are only so many things that are within our control we can use that to empower us to not let things affect us as much.

“A helpful skill that goes along with stoicism is being able to practice nonreactivity.”


Moderation is another core aspect of stoicism since it shows us the true power of balance. Oftentimes issues within our lives arise when there is a sense of lopsidedness. This can be seen when we let our habits get the better of us such as staying up late too often or eating foods that make us feel sluggish. Keeping these things in mind is essential both for our well-being and our mental health. Moderation is what happens when we're able to keep these things under control in a healthy manner. It takes discipline to build up and time as well. Good habits for example require us to be mindful and conscious about the things we do and it also takes a lot of intrinsic motivation as well. Learning to be appreciative of having this sense of balance can lead to positive life changes and can give you the push to make better choices within your life.

“Moderation is another core aspect of stoicism since it shows us the true power of balance.”


The last element of stoicism that's worth implementing into your life is courage. Many of us have mental barriers that we need to overcome. It can be something along the lines of being nervous about public speeches or simply being concerned about your progress. These things are natural and rather than ignoring them, true courage requires us to tackle these feelings through action. Meditation is a powerful way of confronting these thoughts in a manner that is safe. It gives us a quiet environment where we can be ourselves while also working towards the things we want to accomplish. Being aware of our thoughts is essential because we can't confront our fears without knowing what they are. At some point, we need to acknowledge these feelings and work on them in a tangible manner which is why courage is such an important part of our lives.




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