Enjoying The Small Things

Big life events are something to be celebrated since they represent significant milestones for us. With that in mind, they aren't that frequent which is all the more reason to cherish the space in between those. Being able to enjoy the small things in life is a great way to do this since it teaches us how to be grateful for so much. Let's dive into why this is worth the effort.

Good Music Makes Life Better

Often cited as the universal language, music encompasses so much about what makes life amazing. It's expressive, evocative, and emotional. Even in some of the most difficult moments of life, listening to or playing an instrument can help us make sense of the situation. It gives us an avenue for learning how to share our feelings in a manner that's constructive. It helps us find peace through sound along with being able to understand more about who we are. Music is as important as we make it since we can have it accompany us while doing other tasks or simply divert our attention to just listen to it. Regardless of how you enjoy it, music plays a role in every culture in some form which is all the more reason to cherish it.

“Often cited as the universal language, music encompasses so much about what makes life amazing.”

Food And Taking Care Of Ourselves

Food is necessary since it provides us with the energy needed to get through the day. It's also a form of expression as well since there are many ways to prepare and present food. Being aware of what we eat can help us enjoy it more instead of always going for the immediate option. An example of this is meal planning where we specifically try to figure out what we want to eat for the week. While not necessary it can make us more aware of the fuel our bodies use along with seeing what we enjoy. We can also make a food journal to keep track of and see if we're getting the nutrients we need to take care of ourselves. Being grateful for having food instills respect for the collaborative effort it takes to get food on our plates.

“Being aware of what we eat can help us enjoy it more instead of always going for the immediate option.”

Rest And Downtime

It's good to recognize that we don't always need to be stimulated to enjoy our time. Rest along with downtime are essential if we want to be able to enjoy life. While we might feel conditioned at times to want to be productive it's helpful to break out of that mindset since rest can help us recover. Not only does rest allow us to appreciate all the wonderful things we have, but it also helps our bodies and minds take a break. It's during these moments of quiet that we're able to let our mind wander which can help us reignite our creativity. It can also help us see new perspectives that we may not have considered without having that space for ourselves. Downtime allows us to slow down and reassess our thoughts so that we can come back to things with a fresh outlook.




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