Gratitude And Happiness

Gratitude is an extremely good quality to foster as it can show you a new appreciation for all the wonderful things in your life. There is also a strong correlation between gratitude and happiness. Today we want to cover how these two relate and some ways to integrate these qualities.

Choosing Gratitude

When it comes to gratitude it can be easy to forget all the good things we have going for us in our lives. We have our health, a roof above our heads, a well-rounded education, and friends and family that care about us. Rather than letting these things be pushed into our subconscious, a great way to keep this at the forefront of our lives is to choose gratitude. This approach lets us see the good things in a more mindful manner as we are choosing what we put our attention on. A good example of this would be to demonstrate appreciation for others. We can do this by telling them thank you for being in our lives or by doing acts of kindness. Writing someone a message saying that you are grateful for everything they do or even by buying them a gift can let them know that they matter. The best part about gratitude is that it spreads happiness and helps everyone involved.

“Rather than letting these things be pushed into our subconscious, a great way to keep this at the forefront of our lives is to choose gratitude.”


One type of gratitude that exists is known as self-gratitude. This shifts the focus on things that are outside of ourselves to something that reflects on within. This is important as there are many instances where we want to prioritize our own needs along with providing a form of self-validation. Everyone wants to feel important and that starts with recognizing our own worth. This is good as it gives us the opportunity to focus on character building by developing our confidence. Confidence is needed as it lets us put our best foot forward with new challenges that can help us experience more of what life has to offer. Being able to help oneself is good as it gives us the same type of kindness needed to help others.

“One type of gratitude that exists is known as self-gratitude.”

A Mindset That Lasts a Lifetime

Gratitude, along with happiness can take time to work on. Both can be viewed as a state of being depending on how you look at it. The ability to see things from a different perspective is incredibly helpful and one of the main reasons why things such as a grateful mindset can carry you far in life. Empathy is one of the other major qualities that gratitude helps foster as it’s this kind of caring energy that can help you see value in everything around you. From the birds flying in the blue sky on our way to school to the friends you've made along your journey, everything works together to provide a sort of gentle harmony to appreciate. It's much easier to see things in this light when we make an active effort to focus on positivity and optimism. Gratitude can take time to work on, but it is ultimately something that can impact your life for the better.




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