Change And Positivity

Change is something that is always happening and this is a good thing. Positivity is closely linked to change and knowing how to embrace it can help immensely. Change can help us in many different ways and today we want to do a deep dive into why it can be used as a means of positivity.

Change is Opportunity

When we think of change one of the most immediately apparent things that come to mind is how different something may be. This can be both intimidating and exciting at the same time. It's intimidating because it is something we aren't used to and it's exciting because it could be something we really enjoy. Both of these feelings are completely valid and we may experience a combination of them when faced with change. One great way to look at change is by seeing it as an opportunity. This perspective allows us to see all the positive aspects that change can bring and give us the courage to try these new things. A great example of this would be taking an honors class for the first time. While it may seem initially difficult, it can give you the means to take higher-level courses and get a headstart on your academic journey.

“Both of these feelings are completely valid and we may experience a combination of them when faced with change.”

Change is Growth

A growth-based mindset is one of the most beneficial things we can have as it gives us a great reason to embrace change. Changing things up and moving away from the comfort of a routine is a sign of learning since it puts us in a position where we need to adapt. One important aspect of a growth-based mindset is that it challenges our minds to rethink things. Instead of simply accepting things as they are, embracing change is good since there will be many times where we will be expected to do so. A good example of this is being ready for a pop quiz. In most cases, many of us would have reservations about this but being prepared for this can build character.

“One important aspect of a growth-based mindset is that it challenges our minds to rethink things.”

Change is Empowerment

One of the last yet most important parts of change is that it can be used for empowerment. A good way we can do this is by experimenting with things that we normally don't do. One example of this would be reading new genres of fiction. It can help us discover new things we may enjoy along with gaining new perspectives. Another example of this would be trying out different creative outlets. If you're used to drawing you can opt to try out painting and see how much you enjoy it. The same can be said for physical exercises as well. If you're used to doing track and field for cardio you can opt to do a team sport instead. Learning about the different things out there can be fun and give you a new means of enjoying yourself. Change is a crucial part of life and learning to work alongside it rather than against it can give you an overall better appreciation for the different facets of life.




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