Expression And Happiness

Our happiness involves a combination of many different things. One aspect that is often overlooked is how we express ourselves. This matters as how we convey our thoughts can impact our mood and well-being. Today we want to talk about the relationship between expression and happiness.

Being Open

Finding the balance between feeling comfortable enough to express yourself around others can be tricky. While vulnerability is a beautiful thing, being mindful of who you share things with is important. Some people may not have your best interests in mind and may use this information against you which is good to keep in mind. With that said, instances like this are not the norm and many of us would be surprised at how receptive others can be. Being open to sharing things about your life is necessary for people to relate to one another. This can be something as simple as talking about what school topics you care about or what type of career you want to do. These things can give insight into what you want and may even help others feel comfortable around you. There is a time to be introspective but ultimately we need to open up to people to have a sustainable support network.

“While vulnerability is a beautiful thing, being mindful of who you share things with is important.”

Personal Happiness

Being okay with who you are as a person is a huge factor when it comes to expression. This takes place in many forms such as discovering who you are as a person. Understanding what your best qualities are and what to work on are key areas of expression that we may not be aware of. This type of expression can be done in many ways such as the type of creative endeavors you pursue or even something as simple as a hobby. Writing for example has many different genres of expression within it. You can pursue more philosophical works that dive into deep topics or even something lighthearted such as comedy. Different fields allow for the further pursuit of personal happiness as the thing we do on a daily basis has an effect on our health. Being confident with your choices and enjoying what you do are some of the most important parts of personal expression.

“Being okay with who you are as a person is a huge factor when it comes to expression.”

Providing Meaning

Everyone has an innate feeling of wanting to matter and this is evident within how we express ourselves. Some people find that sort of meaning through their career while others may find that in the quality of their relationships. Both of these are valid and there is a myriad of other things that provide equal amounts of happiness. It's important to remember that meaning through expression is something that is deeply personal and can shift depending on where we are in our lives. What matters to us at a young age may be different later on and that is okay. Being mindful of how you want to showcase your talents to the world is good as it can give others the opportunity to see how unique you are. Everyone matters and expressing that is a wonderful thing.




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