Flexibility as a Student

Flexibility is something that can help us in a multitude of ways. From being able to adapt to new things, to seeing new points of view, flexibility is good in a practical manner. Today we want to cover some of the areas where this can be applied.

Flexibility With Schoolwork

There are many reasons why having flexibility with your schoolwork is a good thing and one of the biggest reasons is that it lets you do things at your own pace. Many assignments rely on a due date in which things need to be accomplished which is helpful. This communicates that students need to finish something at an appropriate time and it also gives them a reasonable amount of time to do it. How something gets done on the other hand is where the flexibility comes into play. Some students may be more active at night while others may perform at their best in the afternoon. This is good to be mindful of since there will be days where we may not have the energy to put our best foot forward at the usual time. This kind of flexibility offers students the chance to apply real-world skills such as time management for assignments which can translate to later in life.

“Many assignments rely on a due date in which things need to be accomplished which is helpful.”

Flexibility in Your Personal Life

Your personal life is where the bulk of your flexibility lies given that many decisions made here are optional. How and when you go to sleep along with how you travel are some of the many ways flexibility comes into play. For example, commuting is an easy way to incorporate flexibility as we can choose between walking, riding a bike, using a car, or even taking a bus to get from point a to point b. This also matters with what we choose to eat. As easy as it is to eat the same things every day, variety is the spice of life and we could experience a wide variety of new things with just a bit of effort. Flexibility takes a willingness to branch out of the comfort zone while also being mindful of what you enjoy.

“Your personal life is where the bulk of your flexibility lies given that many decisions made here are optional.”

Making The Most Out of Your Decisions

Flexibility boils down to decision making and this is apparent when we look at all the things we have to think about. From something as simple as deciding what to wear to the type of music we listen to, all of these contribute to how we interact with the world. A flexible mindset keeps you open to new experiences while also holistically integrating them into your routine. Flexibility doesn’t mean that you have to forget the things you’ve done before, rather it embraces that in a manner that works for you. Your decisions need to ultimately work for you as you will be the one who has to live with them. Finding new options for things that may work better than before can help you optimize different parts of your life and let you enjoy it more. Flexibility is a means to enjoy change and that change starts with you.




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