Metacognition And Analysis

One of the best tools available as a student is metacognition. Simply being able to review our thought processes is a practical way to help us improve. In order to make this more efficient, we need to consider how we can use analysis with this as well. Today we want to talk about how both of these can help you.

Analyzing Goals

Goals are one of the many things we will have on our educational journey and they are relevant to our individual needs. It's good to consider what types of goals we have and whether they are something that is empowering us. Some common goals are to pursue higher education for example. This one is good as it allows us to take on greater challenges and see new perspectives which can ultimately help us grow. The process of this is just as important. Consider how different majors are relevant to you as what interests one person may not interest another. A great example of this would be evaluating whether you are picking a major simply because someone else recommended it, or because it provides a combination of fulfillment along with financial stability. Reviewing whether your goals are your own or serving someone else is a great means of using metacognition to help you.

“It's good to consider what types of goals we have and whether they are something that is empowering us.”

Analyzing Relationships

Every relationship needs to be treated uniquely as everyone is an individual. Metacognition involves a healthy amount of social psychology along with personal effectiveness to make the most of it. We interact with our peers differently than our parents and teachers although some concepts are universal. When we meet someone new we need to review how we treat them as this is important. Thinking about common interests among peers is a good thing to do as it can help establish familiarity. When talking to teachers we can also rethink how they value their teaching techniques. Doing this allows us to see from their point of view and relate to them better. Some teachers may value more group-based activities because they love collaboration whereas others may have assignments that are more introspective to help foster independence. Each relationship has different lessons to it and taking time to see that can make them more meaningful.

“Metacognition involves a healthy amount of social psychology along with personal effectiveness to make the most of it.”

Analyzing Yourself

The ability to review your own strengths and weaknesses is something that cannot be emphasized enough. Many of us fear any form of critique especially considering that we can often be the most harsh on ourselves. With that in mind, there are many times where we do need to take a step back and reflect on our behavior as it can impact both ourselves and others. Sometimes we may simply be having a difficult day and while this is okay, we may inadvertently take it out on someone else which is not okay. Recognizing these patterns of behavior can help make us more mindful of what to do and how to adjust to different situations. Metacognition is more than simply being aware of our weaknesses, it can also highlight all the wonderful things that make us unique, and that alone is worth our time.




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