Prioritizing Experiences

All of us value different things. Some of us may prefer to spend our free time hiking and out in nature. Others may prefer to travel and see all the things out there in the world. If there's anything that's worth prioritizing it's experiences since they stay with us and provide us joy. Today we want to look at why it's so important to always prioritize our experiences.

Creating Memories

Having lasting memories that we care about is part of what makes life so important. Each stage of our lives allows us different opportunities that we can take advantage of and some may have more value early. Traveling is a great example of this since it's much easier to do when we're young and have fewer responsibilities. The same also applies to things that require a lot of physical exercise. These kinds of things are worth prioritizing sooner since our bodies are naturally more healthy and capable of more rigorous exercise. Unlike material possessions which can wear down over time, our memories are with us and can compound as far as our enjoyment. Going to a concert you care about for example can leave you with a smile on your face in moments where you really need it. Seeing a movie with friends serves as a reminder of all the good times you've spent with them.

“Having lasting memories that we care about is part of what makes life so important.”

Connecting With Others

Many experiences are best enjoyed with others. A road trip with friends is often an unforgettable journey and a reminder of the simple things in life. Spending time with the people we love is important since we may have more time to be around them depending on where we are in life. Building a sense of community is another thing to consider. Taking time to participate in activities outside of our classes such as a sports team or a game club gives us the opportunity to meet others with similar interests. Hobbies form the backbone of our free time and they allow us to enjoy our time with those around us. A good community helps bring out the best in ourselves and it's up to us to seek them out.

“Spending time with the people we love is important since we may have more time to be around them depending on where we are in life.”

Experiences Give Perspective

Something to consider is how we look at the world when we're just getting started in life. Everything may feel new and exciting but also a lot to take in. It's good to reflect every now and then on how we feel about things after having more experiences since they give us a new perspective on life. When we're well-versed in a hobby we enjoy we're able to see it from a more refined lens. It helps us see all the subtle details we weren't able to appreciate initially and can give us a better understanding of why we like the things we do. Perspective also allows us to build empathy and see what life is like in different places. Experience gives us knowledge and lets us appreciate the world by seeing things firsthand.




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