The Importance Of Knowing Your Limits

There are many instances where we’ll need to consider whether we’re capable of doing something. Sometimes it’s good to push through something challenging since it can give us a sense of satisfaction. Other times it’s worth stopping halfway through because it can feel overwhelming. Knowing whether or not to do so takes a lot of awareness but there’s a lot of merit in knowing your limits. Today we want to talk about some ways to help with this.

It’s Okay to Stop Doing Something

There are many things in life that we’ll wind up doing at some point. Even in things that we enjoy doing, we might feel as if we’ve gotten the most we could out of it. Just because we do something a lot doesn’t mean we have to keep continuing it. Maybe our passion for doing a hobby for example fades over time. Maybe we thought an activity was giving us joy but when looking at it closely it frustrates us. Our feelings are valid and quitting while you’re ahead can be valuable. Time is easily our most important resource and learning how to value it can help us appreciate life more. Stopping something gives you time for other avenues of your life that can provide happiness and in turn, lead to more satisfaction.

“Just because we do something a lot doesn’t mean we have to keep continuing it.”

Knowing if Something is For You

Similar to stopping something it’s also important to know whether or not something is for you. Understanding your interests is something that takes time and it’s good to have an open mind since that can make the process easier on us. With that in mind, we don’t have to say yes to everything, and in many cases, it’s better that we don’t if only to prevent bad habits. Trying things out can give us an idea of what exactly we care about. While we don't want to close ourselves off to new things unnecessarily, there's merit to not trying certain things to begin with. Whether it’s for a health or safety concern, this type of awareness can keep us in check.

“Similar to stopping something it’s also important to know whether or not something is for you.”

Having Limits is Healthy

It's healthy to have limits and the sooner we understand this the less we'll be in a position where we push ourselves too much. One thing to think about is exhaustion. This can manifest in many forms such as feeling mentally drained or our bodies simply being unable to continue due to physical strain. It's crucial to recognize when we get into this state of exhaustion since if left unchecked it can chronically build up. Knowing our limits allows us to take the time we need to rest and relax. Rest is needed because it allows us to reclaim time from things that take effort. It is okay at times to push through difficult things since we might not always have the option to otherwise. With that said, understanding the give-and-take relationship between the effort we put out and the rest we receive is essential for knowing what our limits are.




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