Understanding Your Learning Style

You may be familiar with the fact that there are three learning styles: Auditory, Visual, and Kinesthetic, but do you know which style fits you? Taking the time to understand which learning style best suits you will be extremely helpful throughout your future in school, and life in general.

Auditory Learning

The first step in better understanding your style of learning is to know what each style is and identify the one that most resonates with you. The auditory learning style, for example, is for learners who better process information that they’ve heard. If you find that remembering information is easier if it is spoken to you, maybe through a lecture or an audio recording, then this learning style might fit you. As an auditory learner, you might be easily distracted by background noise and find it better to study in a group rather than alone. For this type of learner, it’s a good idea to read words aloud, ask others to verbally quiz you, create songs or rhymes to help you remember the information, etc.

“The auditory learning style, for example, is for learners who better process information that they’ve heard.”


Visual Learning

There is also the visual learning style. Being a visual learner means that you best retain information through your eyes. Writing things down, reading information from a textbook, or having information demonstrated through visual examples will allow you to better comprehend and digest what you’re learning. Studying as a visual learner may mean making flashcards, writing down notes from a lecture or instructional video, or highlighting information you find important.

“Being a visual learner means that you best retain information through your eyes.”


Kinesthetic Learning

Lastly, we have the kinesthetic style of learning. This is a very hands-on and active learning style that involves you doing things yourself. Kinesthetic learners commonly find themselves, drawing, taking notes, or staying active while they study. Furthermore, you may really enjoy lab work in school and find it easier to understand the information when you actually do the work hands-on. These are all characteristics of a kinesthetic learner. Understanding your learning style has a plethora of benefits and it can ultimately help you find yourself.




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