Tips And Advice For Test Taking

Whether you’re taking the SATs, or simply an exam, testing can be associated with a lot of stress. When so much of your future is depending on the results of an exam, one can’t help but feel some sort of pressure. Before starting any test, it is crucial to study the material, get a good night's sleep, and eat before the exam starts. Here are some test-taking tips and tricks to help you make the most of your time.


Focus on The Exam

Before starting, it’s good to give the test a proper read through to help ease the nerves. Focusing on what is in front of you can help alleviate any anxiety you may have. You may want to take a minute or two to look through what exactly the test consists of. Perhaps you want to begin with the easiest questions or take note of any question that might require extra attention and time.

“Focusing on what is in front of you can help alleviate any anxiety you may have.”


Let Go Of Negativity

If you are prone to forget any information during the exam, or get distracted by anxious thoughts, it’s important to relax and let go of any thoughts or emotions that don’t involve the present. Many times we may struggle on tests because we are so worried about our score that we forget to relax and take the test. Breathing techniques can help bring you to the present moment. Ground yourself and mentally affirm yourself that you are smart and capable. If you don’t know the answer to a question, move on and give yourself time to complete the questions you do know, and once you finish the exam, check your answers to make sure you are confident in everything you did.

“Many times we may struggle on tests because we are so worried about our score that we forget to relax and take the test.”


Use Your Best Judgement

Sometimes you may encounter questions that you genuinely aren’t sure how to answer. This is okay as you can use context clues to help answer certain questions. If there is a reading related question that also has an accompanying story, you can opt to skim through parts you’ve read to find key words that are relevant to the question. If it is a math related problem you can ask to see if the teacher can provide formulas to assist with the exam if it is considered acceptable. Sometimes the answer may be alluded to in the question itself which helps for detail oriented students.

Lastly, the most important thing to remember is that tests don’t define who you are or how smart you are. Be kind to yourself and do your best, that’s more than enough!




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