Why You Need to be Involved in Your School’s Community

Community is a crucial element within both our academic and professional lives. It can help us feel a sense of unity and belonging in addition to other positive benefits. Today we want to take some time to understand why you need to be involved in your school's community.


Others Within The Community Can Motivate You

Motivation can be a large determining factor when it comes to success on a personal level. Sometimes it may be hard to find a means to push ourselves due to a wide variety of circumstances. This is perfectly okay and natural. When times like this happen, many people seek out a community to help provide them a sense of fulfillment. Your school's community is one such example of this. A fellow peer can help motivate you by being a study partner for an upcoming exam. A teacher can help you with any difficulties related to class assignments. A guidance counselor can be there to talk to you for a sort of mental reprieve. All of these people can help you get to a better place mentally along with motivating you to do your best. A good community recognizes when someone needs help and will do what they can to assist them.

“A fellow peer can help motivate you by being a study partner for an upcoming exam.”


It Can Help You Develop Your Skills With Like-Minded People

Identity along with fitting in can matter immensely for students. Your school's community can be a great means of finding others who share similar interests. Things such as student clubs or extracurricular activities are a great means of gauging what students want to do with their spare time. They can help you find something you are passionate about along with others. This is a similar principle to the motivation point we made earlier in that others can help and empower you to do something good for yourself. Learning alongside others has a plethora of benefits such as having an option for peer mentoring. Team activities are something that inherently require others and being part of your school's community can make that a reality.

“Your school's community can be a great means of finding others who share similar interests.”


It Lets You Bond With Others

Given that you interact with both teachers and peers on a daily basis, it's only natural that you would forge some form of a bond between them. Relationships are a healthy thing to foster and school is a great way to do that. The friendships and relationships you make can last for the rest of your life if properly maintained. They can help you meet others who share common interests or ideals along with giving you a healthy social circle. Your school's community can help educate you on a wide variety of subjects both practical and informative. It can also be a healthy means of working on communication and other public speaking skills which are helpful for every stage of your life. Your school as a community is a safe space for this as both your friends and teachers want you to succeed and be your best possible self.




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