Standing up For Others

Being able to stand up for those who need help is an admirable quality and one that cannot be emphasized enough. Building up the confidence along with the social skills to be able to do this is increasingly important in our modern world. Today we want to discuss why this is important and what we can do to help with this.

Build up Confidence First

Before helping someone else, we need to make sure that we are comfortable with ourselves first. If you can't stand up for yourself then it will be that much harder to do that for others. Some effective ways of doing this are to be mindful of how you handle a disagreement with others. This can be done by focusing on how your mind and body react in more stressful situations. If you find that you aren't able to properly express yourself, then take a moment to think along with taking a deep breath. Sometimes we need to do this to collect our thoughts in a cohesive manner. Confidence is something that takes time to build up and being mindful of your strengths and weaknesses can help with this.

“Before helping someone else, we need to make sure that we are comfortable with ourselves first.”

Taking Initiative

Standing up for someone is no easy feat. It requires you to put yourself out there emotionally which can be difficult to do. However, there are many situations where you can do this in a subtle yet effective manner where you don't always have to risk this. If you notice someone is being bullied, for example, call a teacher or staff member of your school immediately. This ensures that you get someone who is trained to help with this and can break up the tension as soon as possible. This approach keeps you and the other party safe while still being able to remain anonymous for personal safety. Sometimes there are more fringe cases where this can be between friends. If you notice someone in your friend group is being bullied by someone else, it may be wise to say something. This doesn't always have to be a serious conversation, in fact, you can use humor to easily defuse the situation. This is good as it releases the tension without necessarily putting blame on someone or resorting to shaming.

“However, there are many situations where you can do this in a subtle yet effective manner where you don't always have to risk this.”

Why it Matters

Sometimes, there are moments where you have to bring up matters with someone else about their actions. This varies depending on the person but always consider your personal safety before doing so. Sometimes you will need to talk to the other person one on one in a private manner. Assuming they are reasonable, with a combination of good communication and honesty you may be able to reach through to them. It's important to keep in mind that how information is presented matters just as much as what is being presented. Keeping a calm voice while letting someone know that you respect them matters immensely as you don't want to antagonize someone else. Other situations may require a group to confront someone as this can ensure the point gets across. Regardless of how you choose to handle this, there will be many moments where someone will need help, and saying something can be a great first step toward doing that.




Good People Skills For Students


Using Your Mind to Channel Empowerment