School And Self-Worth

One thing that many students experience throughout their academic journey is the idea of self-worth. This can be an endeavor as it can tie into our own belief set along with identity but it's good to be transparent about our feelings. Today we want to talk about how school ties into self-worth.


Social Self-Worth

Oftentimes a student may gauge their self-worth by their presence within a social group. This can be seen with students having a desire to fit in and feel accepted among their peers. Sometimes though this leads to a sort of categorization for students who only participate in certain activities such as sports or other extracurriculars. While this does exist, we do not need to limit ourselves to the activity we take part in for our self-worth. The same applies to which groups we choose to be part of. We inherently have a need to be social which is a good thing as it helps us make friends with others and develop as an individual. Being mindful of how we find our own sense of worth within these groups matters immensely. Ideally, we want these groups to enhance and bring out the good qualities within us while being accepting of our weaknesses. Our individuality matters and we need to remember that our self-worth matters regardless of the group we are in.

“We inherently have a need to be social which is a good thing as it helps us make friends with others and develop as an individual.”


Academic Self-Worth

Another way students usually gauge their self-worth is how well their academic performance is. While it is good to strive to do well in school, it shouldn't come at the cost of how we view ourselves. One common mistake that many students make at some point is equating their self-worth to their grades. The biggest problem with this is that we are more than the sum of our grades. Rather than being demotivated by lower grades, it is better to embrace that as a learning experience. Likewise, it is good to celebrate your accomplishments but also being aware that they aren't the determining factor for your self-worth. We need to be gentle with ourselves as sometimes we may be having a tough day or the material could be difficult. Doing well in school is good and should be encouraged. It's good to remember that there are healthier ways of looking at even one of the core aspects of school such as grades and tests.

“One common mistake that many students make at some point is equating their self-worth to their grades.”


Why it Matters

Self-Worth is a driving factor for many different elements in our lives. It shapes how we view ourselves in relation to others along with the world. It can give us the confidence we need to persevere in difficult times and give us the skills we need to succeed socially. It shows us that there are new things to learn at every stage in our lives while giving us the determination to keep going in school. Self-Worth is needed for us to build up our skills and to help us find what we are passionate about while also boosting our happiness. Ultimately, only you can evaluate your self-worth and it's good to start off on the right foot by practicing patience and being kind to yourself.




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