Using SMART Goals

We've mentioned the importance of goals in the past but one unique approach to this is using SMART goals. Which stands for “Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound.” Each of these can be used in a multitude of ways regardless of where you are in life. Let's dive into this concept and how to use it properly.


Having your goals be as specific as possible is extremely helpful when it comes to this approach. One reason why this works is that it removes any abstract ways to achieve the thing that you want. A good example of a specific goal for a student is wanting to get a 90% on your next test. This works because it gives us a number that is tangible, along with an endpoint to strive towards. Being as specific as possible can help ease you through the process and make things more streamlined.

“Having your goals be as specific as possible is extremely helpful when it comes to this approach.”


Being able to have a goal that is easily measurable is essential to ensuring that you get it done. This type of approach is good because it lets you make sure that you can see how well you are doing at something. Trying to beat your personal best in a track race for example is one such method to measuring your goal. Motivation is something that goes along with something that is measurable which is why we want to offer us small rewards for getting closer to where we want to be.

“Being able to have a goal that is easily measurable is essential to ensuring that you get it done.”


Ideally, we want our goals to involve a substantial amount of challenge to them, but also be something we can achieve with our skillset. While our ambition is good, we need to be mindful of what we can do with our current knowledge. A goal that falls under this would be balancing working several hours a week while also doing school. This is something that many of us will need to do at some point and making an active effort to try this early is one way we can build our tolerance for it.

“Ideally, we want our goals to involve a substantial amount of challenge to them, but also be something we can achieve with our skillset.”


Expectations are one thing we need to consider when we are working towards our goals which is why being realistic is part of this method. Similar to being attainable, this involves knowing what sort of roadblocks we may face on the way to our goal. A good example of a realistic goal is wanting to do a program for a semester while balancing your finances. This works because it requires discipline along with having a backup for our money with things such as a savings account. Understanding what you are getting into is key for this goal to be effective.

“Expectations are one thing we need to consider when we are working towards our goals which is why being realistic is part of this method.”


While all of these methods are good, they need to have some sort of date to tie them all together. A goal that is time-bound adds a healthy expectation to get something done within a reasonable setting. A good time-bound goal is trying to finish an assignment by 6:00pm for example. This establishes what you need to do along with making sure you are responsible for the outcome. All of these combined can help you make goals that empower you along with enriching your life in a substantial way.




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