Slowing Down And Appreciating Simplicity

It's hard to deny that many things in our world have gotten faster. It's easier than ever to communicate with others. There are many more opportunities available because of technology advancing. It can also feel like most of the simple things in life are growing increasingly complex. While this might feel like the new normal, if it's not something we click with that's okay. We don't always have to be going at someone else's pace and we can slow down and appreciate the simplicity of life.

Taking A Break From Technology

For all of the extremely useful aspects and convenience of technology, every now and then we need to take a break from it. One of the biggest reasons to do this is that it can help us disconnect and not feel the need to always be involved with everything that comes up. Fear of missing out is a very real thing and technology is a big reason why that is. In many cases, we don't need social media or technology for entertainment. Sometimes reading a good book or playing an instrument can be one of the best ways to unwind after a long day. It can also remind us of how people used to entertain themselves prior to technological advancements which can keep us centered. Technology does help but recognizing that we don't always need it can make us more self-sufficient and content when we step away from it.

“In many cases, we don't need social media or technology for entertainment.”

Making Time For Ourselves

Spending time with people we care about is important. It's also important to make enough time for ourselves. If there's anyone out there that we need to make sure is happy it's ourselves. Taking care of our own needs allows us to put forth our best effort into the world and can promote positivity. While it might be tempting to try and schedule a social outing every day, things need to be balanced in order to achieve the best results. Setting aside a few days each week that are dedicated solely to you and the things you want to do can help remind us that we do matter. Time off simply relaxing and enjoying nature or getting some rest can make it much more likely that we'll have a positive sense of self-esteem.

“Spending time with people we care about is important.”

Appreciating Each Day

Sometimes we might find ourselves looking at where we want to be several years from now. While visualizing the ideal future you want is fine, each individual day matters a lot more in the grand scheme. Not every day has to be productive. One thing to keep in mind is that rest IS productive and allows us to have a greater appreciation for the day itself. It's during our moments of free time that we're able to truly relax and see all the finer details of life. It's here where we can appreciate the simplicity and enjoy the reprieve we have from responsibilities. Life is meant to be enjoyed and cherishing the simple things can make it that much better.




Being Courageous


Mindful Action