Doing Things The Right Way

Some days we might fall into the busyness trap where we feel that we can't do things properly. It could be because of the rush that we feel or that there's a lot that we need to get done. The reality is that when we're trying to do too much we wind up compromising in other areas which can lead to more stress. Today we want to critically look at why we get into these patterns so that we can do things the right way.

Why Do We Rush?

Some of us rush because we think we don't have the time to do all of our tasks in a given day. This is often a sign of anxious thoughts since it's more about time management. We may think this way because of how we've conditioned ourselves to be productive but the problem is that it makes us feel stressed. Rushing isn't good because we can often forget key parts of the process and it can make us forgo the necessary steps we need to finish a goal. An example of this can be rushing through buying groceries where we don't plan things out with a list beforehand. The problem here is that we may spend more than needed along with using more of our time throughout the week. Things like this are important things during college for example since we need to find the right process and stick to it.

“Rushing isn't good because we can often forget key parts of the process and it can make us forgo the necessary steps we need to finish a goal.”

Take Time To Research

Oftentimes when we make a bad decision it could have been the result of poor research. Taking the time to review things before we get into them can give us the insight needed to problem-solve better. The reason for this is that we're effectively looking at the different experiences others have been through so that we can use that to help prevent certain outcomes. Let's take school supplies for example. Let's say we need a new bag for our classes. Rather than simply buying the cheapest option, another approach is to do research and see which ones offer the best combination of price and long-term value. Something with a lifetime warranty, for example, is one thing to look out for since it can save us our resources in the long run.

“Taking the time to review things before we get into them can give us the insight needed to problem-solve better.”

Adapt And Succeed

Being stuck in a pattern can be difficult not just for us but for others. Just because we've been doing things one way most of our lives doesn't mean it's the right way to do it. Most activities have a better way of doing them and in some cases, it’s more safe. An example of this can be exercise. Stretching before a run is one of the best things we can do for ourselves and is a great means of doing something the right way. Yes, it does take a bit more time before we get into our exercise but it results in less pain overall and helps us immensely. Adapting to new information and strategies may seem challenging at first but it allows us to thrive when we're mindful of what our actions can do.




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