The Benefits of Being Process-Oriented

While being goal-oriented is a good thing, there are some different ways that a process-oriented mindset can help us out. Today we want to discuss some of the benefits of being process-oriented.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

It Keeps You in The Moment

One of the main appeals of a process-oriented approach is that it can keep us in the moment. This is essential as there is a lot of things that we can only do when we are focused on what is in front of us. There is a time to plan for the future along with a time to reflect on the past but ultimately we only have the present. One way to shift our mindset to this is instead of trying to see the result of what we want, instead, try to work out what steps we need to get there. This will allow us to find practical means of getting to our destination while also enjoying the journey. One example of this would involve passing a course with a good grade. If we break it down we can see that some of the elements of this would be finishing our homework and doing well on tests. Working on each individual part is needed to focus on the bigger picture and being process-oriented helps with that.

“One of the main appeals of a process-oriented approach is that it can keep us in the moment.”

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Improvement is Tangible

Seeing your progress is one of the best aspects of being process-oriented. One reason behind this is motivation. Motivation can have a profound impact on how much along with the quality of work that we accomplish. Setting too high of a goal can be counter-intuitive as it can leave us in a perfectionist sort of mindset. Rather than trying to accomplish something outside of our skillset, we can choose to focus on the areas that we can reasonably improve at. For example, if one of our goals is running a mile in under a certain amount of time, we can track our progress by trying to reach smaller milestones. This approach lets us track how we are performing in the moment while also giving us proper incentive to improve. Accurately measuring how well we are doing can be both fun and practical.

“Seeing your progress is one of the best aspects of being process-oriented.”

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

The Process And Goals Both Matter

Goals aren't necessarily something that are independent of the process, in fact, both of them are required to receive results. This is important to keep in mind as we want to have both goals and a process that can empower us and make us feel better. Our mindset has a large effect on how we see both of these. Goals are there to give us something to strive for, albeit in a realistic manner. The process is there to help us stay in the moment and to keep our expectations grounded in reality. It is good to be ambitious both with what we want to do and how to get there. There is value in the journey of improvement and the goal is a byproduct of the effort and enjoyment we used to get there. It is essential to be able to shift from a process and goal-oriented mindset when needed as they both matter in the grand scheme.




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