Making A Good School Workflow

How you get your schoolwork done along with optimizing your workflow can determine how efficient you are with your assignments. There are plenty of things we can do to make the process easier which can give us more time to work with. Today we want to look at how we can make a good school workflow.

Use Your Time Appropriately

Distractions can often be a hurdle to overcome when doing our assignments. They can come in the form of a message or someone interrupting us when we're in the middle of something that requires high focus. Crafting an environment conducive to our work is a crucial way to make the process easier. We can opt to set aside a set amount of time during the day for us to have dedicated study time. This gives others a heads-up that we'll be busy while still taking care of our responsibilities. We can also opt to mute our phone during this time since it can cut down on the temptation to look at it for social media or browsing. Timers can help as well since we can use alarms to limit how long we'll work on one assignment. The benefit to this is that it teaches us how to work swiftly under a time constraint which can also free us up time for later.

“Distractions can often be a hurdle to overcome when doing our assignments.”

Check In With Yourself

The mind needs appropriate time to rest and recover after long stretches of focus. This is all the more reason why we need to intermittently check in with how we're doing throughout the day. We might be hungry and need food to focus on continuing our work. Rather than forcing ourselves to do something while hungry, we need to stop and address it when it arises. Doing this helps us prioritize our well-being so that we can better do the things we need while taking care of ourselves. Self-awareness goes a long way towards a successful workflow since we need to take breaks now and then. The good thing about breaks is that they allow us the space needed to help recollect our thoughts so that we can problem-solve more easily when we get back to things. Rest is productive and reminding ourselves of that can make us more likely to slow down when we need to.

“The mind needs appropriate time to rest and recover after long stretches of focus.”

Think Of The Whole Week

It's easy to get caught in the moment when we're doing our assignments but we need to think about it as one part of the bigger picture. There are certain things we need to do throughout the week such as a school club or helping out family and this needs to be taken into consideration when planning. Some assignments can be done earlier as a means of freeing up time for later whereas sometimes we might have to save them for later in the week. Procrastination is often brought up when we save things for the last minute and while this shouldn't be encouraged, we do need to be aware of what things are urgent and require immediate attention when it comes to our workflow.




Interdisciplinary Thinking


Caring About Yourself