Embracing Opportunity

Life can present us with many fun things that we can choose to take part in. Being open to this can allow us to have a more well-rounded lifestyle and promote balance. Having the opportunity to try new things is important which is why we want to talk about why this needs to be embraced.

Opportunity Within School

School gives us a good amount of options when it comes to the things we can participate in. Our classes can enlighten us to different topics that may interest us along with helping us find our passion. School clubs can put us in an environment where we can meet others with similar interests who can become lifelong friends. We can also find mentors who we can mutually learn from one another as we hone our craft and get better at the things we do. Counselors can guide us towards the things we may have an interest in while being there to help us when we need it. School gives us the tools to help us build up the fundamentals for a happy healthy life. There are many different opportunities that school can provide, it's simply a matter of being open-minded and trying things out.

“School gives us a good amount of options when it comes to the things we can participate in.”


Another great thing that comes with opportunity is the chance for self-development. Being able to improve ourselves is a great quality because it shows that we care about who we are. One example of opportunity helping out is within our interpersonal relationships. Sometimes we may get so caught up in our own lives that we may forget about simply talking to others about how they feel. Reaching out to a friend in need for example can be a fantastic way of working on empathy and active listening. Both of these are essential for healthy relationships and can let you tune in to your feelings. We can also extend this to taking the time to listen to ourselves. Meditation is a great way to do this since it gives us a quiet space to be ourselves and focus on listening. It's important to remember that we don't have to wait for an opportunity to happen, making your own choices is equally valuable.

“Being able to improve ourselves is a great quality because it shows that we care about who we are.”

Change is Empowering

One of the last major ways that opportunity can help is that it promotes change. Change can be extremely empowering if we look at it in the right frame of mind. It can give us motivation to try something new and see how we enjoy it. Sometimes a push in a different direction can be all we need to have the courage to do something. One example of this can be taking an honors class since it can be more of a challenge. Overcoming challenges and putting in the effort can be rewarding both during the process and once we reach our end goal. Finding ways to stay empowered when doing different things is essential since life is always in a state of motion. Opportunity gives you more ways to enjoy yourself throughout your journey and can help you improve as an individual.




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