Enjoying The Here And Now

Life is meant to be appreciated and one of the best ways to do this is by learning how to enjoy the present. It takes a healthy amount of mindfulness along with an effort to want to improve things to do this. Today we want to talk about why it's so important to love the here and now along with some mindset shifts to help with this.

Value Yourself

Self-love and care are core concepts that we need to keep in mind. In order to love the world around us, we first need to develop an appreciation for who we are. All of us are unique since we bring to the world our talents and perspectives that only we have. This alone showcases how special we truly are and rather than being complacent with that, we need to commit it to memory. Valuing ourselves helps demonstrate that we love who we are and how we interact with the world. When we're in a good frame of mind it becomes that much easier to see all the wonderful things we have going for us in our lives.

“Self-love and care are core concepts that we need to keep in mind.”

Practice Gratitude

If we want to truly enjoy the here and now, we need to make gratitude a part of our daily routine. Taking things for granted is something we want to consider since it actively works against gratitude. Sometimes we might find ourselves being comfortable with certain things we have and not be mindful of the effort it took to get them. This can include material things such as our bed. When you stop to consider how much you use something it can change your viewpoint on how it has such an impact on your life. Gratitude allows us to reframe our perspective with what we have, whether that be material goods or people in our lives and it gives us the chance to cherish them. This can in turn enrich our lives and give us a greater sense of satisfaction.

“If we want to truly enjoy the here and now, we need to make gratitude a part of our daily routine.”

Love The Journey

Process-oriented thinking is something that can help us realign our thoughts in a manner to better appreciate where we are now. A common phrase is “it's all about the journey, not the destination” which holds true in more ways than one. While goals are good to have and are worth working towards, we need to balance these with learning to love the progress we're making since we're ultimately spending more time on that. Life is meant to be enjoyed every step along the way and seeing the value in the journey is essential for our happiness. Small things such as working on homework assignments or getting to know others can help with both our career and social needs. Seeing how each of the things in our lives comprises the big picture can show you a greater appreciation for all the little details and how they play a role in your happiness. It's good to remember that the present is a gift since it's a reminder of everything good in our lives.




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