Why Your Environment Matters

One common topic that is covered within psychology is the idea of nature versus nurture. Nature revolves around the idea that our personality affects the bulk of our outcome as to who we are. Nurture focuses more on the environment that we're in and how that determines who we become. Both of these are relevant in different ways and our environment impacts this as well. Today we want to dive into why your environment is so important.

It Facilitates Learning

At every point in our lives, we are learning and one of the most common places to do that is school. Many of us are extremely fortunate to have a form of proper education since it gives us the tools needed to have a happy and successful life. When we're in a good educational environment, we become much more inclined to learn about all the different topics out there. A good teacher can help us find our passion for a subject and good peers can help motivate us as well. Learning is meant to be fun which is why it's so important for us to be in a place that empowers us to venture out and discover new things.

“At every point in our lives, we are learning and one of the most common places to do that is school.”

It Provides Happiness

A good environment is a nurturing environment; one area where this is true is our home. When our home is full of joy, we feel that much happier as a result. A good example of this is family members who care about you and how you're doing. We can make an active effort to work on this by talking to our parents and siblings to see where they are in their lives. We can also opt to spend time with them and help them out as well. A happy environment recognizes that teamwork is a core part of this since we're stronger when we work together. This applies to our social circle as well since our friends can help us with things to make life easier and more fun.

“A good environment is a nurturing environment; one area where this is true is our home.”

It Helps You be Successful

Success is best defined by our own idea of what it is. A positive environment can be one way we define this since it helps facilitate many other good qualities that are within us. A healthy environment can incentivize us to be more giving since we recognize that this helps everyone involved. Our environment can also be a means of being more expressive around others such as in a peer mentoring group for example. This example helps demonstrate that we perform at our best when we're open and honest about what we need from others and vice versa. Success can be measured in a multitude of ways and ensuring that your environment works for you as an individual is key to that. Life is best enjoyed when we're somewhere where we feel like we're at peace with our thoughts and those around us. For some this place is our home, for others, it's their job. Being able to adapt and learn to love where you are in the moment can help make it so any environment can bring you happiness.




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