The Importance Of Speaking Up

How we communicate can affect so many different areas of our lives. From our interpersonal relationships along with how we express ourselves through our actions as well, communication can be crucial. Speaking up is something that many of us might not immediately do but there are plenty of reasons why it's essential to do so and we want to cover some of those today.

Building Confidence

Confidence is a necessity given how we live in a social world. It allows us to stand tall when in the face of adversity and can give us the courage needed to handle people who otherwise don't respect us. Being able to speak up is one of the easiest ways to both build and display confidence. This is because it shows that we aren't afraid of what others think of us and allows us to let our voice shine through even in spite of our mind finding reasons not to. A great example of speaking up is when you feel your perspective can help shed light on a situation. Sometimes there are things that only we can help with since we've experienced them firsthand before. Tuning into our inner strength helps us be brave and stand up for ourselves.

“Confidence is a necessity given how we live in a social world.”

Sharing Ideas

Problem solving can oftentimes be difficult given how complex things can be at times. A good example of this is trying to figure out ideal solutions when working in a group since there can be multiple ways of doing things. The best way to approach this is by working towards solutions with others by speaking up and sharing ideas where we can. This is effective since it shows that we're being proactive with wanting to see things improve for ourselves and those around us. We need multiple perspectives in order to reach the best possible outcome because it allows us to see solutions from different angles. Ideas give us the framework needed to take action which is necessary given that group projects require each side to help with their own talents.

“Problem solving can oftentimes be difficult given how complex things can be at times.”

Working Towards Healthy Expression

Everyone has a voice waiting to be heard but it's up to us to express that in a manner that's conducive. How we express ourselves is just as important as what we're trying to say. When we speak up we need to consider our timing, tone, and pitch along with general consideration for our audience. These are some of the subtle aspects of communication we may not always be conscious of but they make a massive difference. Self-awareness is key to this since it allows us to be more cognizant of what we say and how it affects those around us. If we feel we aren't being listened to when we speak up, it can help us reflect and see whether it’s a result of how we're communicating things or if our audience simply isn't receptive. Speaking up can help us improve the quality of our lives by letting us be ourselves while building confidence in the process.




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