The Power Of Silence

A typical day for students can be filled with many things. It can be filled with homework, classes, extracurricular activities, time with friends and family, or even just time by ourselves. Something to consider when we're doing all of these things is how much time do we get to simply be? Chances are there's a lot of thoughts and noise we're experiencing throughout the day. Something worth thinking about is the quiet moments we have and the silence from them as a result.

A Slower Approach

We might feel conditioned to have a productive mindset during a school day. After all, we're expected to keep up with the different goals we've set for ourselves along with working on different assignments. While certain things are mandatory, how we do them can be different depending on the context. Some students might prefer doing their homework in a place surrounded by others such as a cafe or in a study group. This is fine and encouraged since it gets us outside of our comfort zone and can give us a sense of community. With that in mind, it's worth experimenting to try different ways of doing the same thing. The benefit of a more silent environment is that it helps foster a slower approach to our day. It can give us time to be introspective so that we're more in tune with our needs.

“While certain things are mandatory, how we do them can be different depending on the context.”

Silence Can Be Healing

Some days might just take more mental energy to get through. This could be because of our energy levels throughout the day or simply because we need time to recharge ourselves. Silence is necessary since it allows us the time needed to heal. It provides a way of being with our thoughts and it gives us the space needed to process our feelings without any interference. When we're making a big decision for example silence can provide a sense of comfort because we can think freely and as much as we need to. Silence and stillness give our minds a break from stimulation which means that things such as creativity can flow naturally when we least expect it.

“Silence is necessary since it allows us the time needed to heal.”

Building Better Habits

It's good to make space for quiet time throughout the day since it in turn helps us build better habits as a result. Meditation is one of the quintessential examples of this since it provides a judgment-free space to be with our thoughts. The benefit of this is that we can reframe some of the mindsets we have so that we can approach things from a better point of view. It can also help us work on breathing techniques which can lower our overall stress and make us more capable of problem-solving. Going for a peaceful walk is another example of this since it helps us enjoy the quiet and relaxing sounds of nature. Silence is a reminder of the peace that we're all capable of experiencing since it just requires time and space to do so.




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