Handling Miscommunication

Throughout some point in our lives, it's inevitable that we'll have some form of miscommunication with someone. The important thing is how we handle it since our actions determine how effective we are with others. Today we want to look at some ways we can handle miscommunication easier along with helping ourselves adjust to things.

Focus On Positive Intent

One of the easiest things we might experience is not being sure of someone’s intent. We might interpret things negatively or get defensive because of past situations. While there is merit to being cautious, we need to critically look at ourselves and ask why it is we feel that way or if that's our default. Many people mean well and genuinely want to help one another. Oftentimes it’s our perspective that can make us feel better towards others. The true way to solve most miscommunications is by focusing on positive intent. This approach allows us to look at things from a more optimistic point of view and can give us the mindset shift needed to see the good in others.

“Many people mean well and genuinely want to help one another.”

Be Clear With How You Express Yourself

How we say something matters just as much as what’s being said. A good way to handle miscommunication is by being direct with people to limit any confusion with them. The direct approach removes any sense of vagueness so that we're best able to get to the root of what our message is. Being kind with our approach can also help with this since we're more likely to be received well when we're considerate of others’ feelings. With that in mind, anger does have its place but it needs to be tempered the right way. Being firm about lines that are being crossed without being outwardly angry can help us channel this in a manner that lets others know that we've felt wronged. All of our emotions play a role in how we express ourselves and it’s a matter of knowing how best to handle them to improve our communication.

“How we say something matters just as much as what’s being said.”

Empathize And Accept

Sometimes the best thing we can do when faced with miscommunication is to accept that it isn't necessarily because of us. While yes it does take two to communicate, sometimes people may just not be receptive because of the different things they've experienced or where they are in their lives. Recognizing when it isn't us is important since it can help us find mental peace in times of turbulence. Empathy can help bridge the gap between ourselves and others since it gives us the opportunity to see where they're coming from. If someone is being defensive for example it can clue us into how they may have been treated in the past which can help us understand them better. Patience is a necessity for communication because it gives us the time needed to promote understanding.




Tuning Into Your Feelings


Being Decisive