Planning And Creativity

While planning and creativity may sound like they're on opposite sides, both of them work very well in harmony. Planning allows us to use the more rational and logistical side of our brain while creativity allows us to focus on expression. Today we want to talk about how using both of these are necessary and how they can improve your life.

How to Use Planning

Planning is important because it allows us to channel our ideas in a manner that respects our time. Many of us have a lot of creative ideas that can be difficult to get started on, and that's okay. There are ways to help with this and it can involve a good amount of organization. A good way to use planning to your advantage is by writing down all the things you want to do and then condensing it down to one or two things. This is necessary since it can help us focus on several ideas that we want to flesh out rather than taking on too much at once. Knowing what your best ideas are can make the creative process that much easier. A creative plan is often used when it comes to things such as content creation or making a group project. With all this in mind, it's good to be aware that for some people, creative flexibility helps them much more than excessive planning so try to do what works for you.

“Planning is important because it allows us to channel our ideas in a manner that respects our time.”

How Creativity Fits Into This

Now that we have a good grasp on how planning can help, how does creativity tie into this? The creative process can be extremely complicated since it's relevant to how the individual works best. Light planning is helpful because it can give us a general idea of what it is we want to make while being open enough to reach the end goal. More in-depth planning is good for people who have a clear vision of what it is they specifically want to do. Sometimes we may even want to go down the path of planning in a group since it can give us multiple perspectives. It's good to remember that planning is effectively a tool used to help you create things and using it properly can impact your results.

“The creative process can be extremely complicated since it's relevant to how the individual works best.”

The Perfect Balance

Both of these concepts are best used in tandem with one another. Without any semblance of planning, the result can often come across as unorganized and hard to interpret. Too much planning can result in something that feels formulaic and lacks the human element. The right balance can make the thoughts and themes we're trying to convey cohesive and relatable. It's a gradual process of learning about how much effort to put into planning since we want to spend time doing the creative activity itself rather than only planning for an outcome we aren't sure of. Balance is key here, and it can give you the courage needed to get started on a passion project while also being mindful of what it is you want to accomplish.




How to Improve at What You Enjoy


Making Space For New Things