Removing Negativity From Your Life

Negativity can feel extremely draining. It can come from multiple sources as well and it's important to be able to address it when it arises. Being able to understand what causes this can make it much easier to work on solutions. Today we want to focus on how we can remove negativity from our lives so we can enjoy things once more.

Address Stress

Stress is one of the biggest contributors when it comes to negativity since it's our bodies and minds adversely reacting to change or difficult situations. Sometimes stress might just be a natural reaction to the things we're experiencing. Other times we might find ourselves in a stressful situation because of our actions or because of how we communicate. Recognizing whether we're actively contributing to this is essential since we can take the steps needed to avoid this in the future. If it's because of our mindset it could be a wake-up call to try and look at things differently. Stress doesn't have to dictate the direction of our lives. We need to use it as a method of understanding what upsets us so that we can take active steps to avoid it or manage it more properly.

“Stress doesn't have to dictate the direction of our lives.”

Getting Our Thoughts To A Healthy Place

Sometimes one of the biggest hurdles to overcoming negativity is our thoughts. When things get tough, our minds might fall into negative thinking habits. We might feel as if we aren't enough or that we might not deserve good things. Noticing when we get into this frame of mind is crucial since it's the first step toward getting to a better headspace. Thoughts can't hurt us and many of our thoughts aren't worth giving the time or energy to. Negative thoughts often sap our strength and can waste our time. At the same time, it’s important to acknowledge when we feel sad, upset, frustrated, or angry, like all of our emotions they eventually will pass. Not dwelling on things and being able to let go of negativity can be freeing since it allows us to reclaim our personal power.

“Sometimes one of the biggest hurdles to overcoming negativity is our thoughts.”

Focus On What You Can Change

Feeling a lack of control can be a big source of negativity since it can make us feel disempowered. When we give too much weight to things that we can't control, we're effectively giving away our energy. While yes things can be frustrating we can't allow them to affect the course of our lives. Realistically all we can really do is work with the tools and resources we have and make the best of things with our own efforts. This mindset can help us recognize that we do still have agency even when it might not seem like it and can give us a sense of control. Being able to flip the script and remove negativity might seem daunting but it really just requires us to be more self-aware along with proactively bettering ourselves with what's in our control.




Having A Good Support System


Being Efficient With Your Time